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Using the social and economic data on the BBC domesday disk

Lookup NU author(s): Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes


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The BBCD omesdayd isc containsa n impressiver angeo f socio-economicv ariablesf or smallg eographical areas.T his papero utlinest he processb y whicht he variablesf or inclusiono n the disc were selected,a nd the difficulties of obtaining dataw hichp rovidesa comprehensivere flectiono f the Britishe conomya nd society.A ttentioni s drawnt o the uniquely geographical charactero f the datac ontainedo n the disc-and the fact that informationfo r the 21 majort ypes of data collectiona reai s storedt husp ermittings calee ffectst o be investigatedb y the user.T he difficulties of usingd atao btained fromg overnments ourcesa nd the facilitiesa vailablef or interpretingd ataa vailableo n the disca red iscussed.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Owen DW, Green AE, Coombes MG

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Year: 1986

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 305-314

Print publication date: 01/01/1986

ISSN (print): 0020-2754

ISSN (electronic): 1475-5661


DOI: 10.2307/621791


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