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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Brian RandellORCiD
The demand for highly reliable computer systems has led to techniques for the construction of fault tolerant software systems. A fault-tolerant software systems detects errors created as the effects of a fault and applies error recovery provisions in the form of abnormal or exceptional mechanisms and algorithms to continue operation and restore normal computation. Backward error recovery is intended to restore a system state which occured prior to the manisfestation of the fault. Forward error recovery is intended to correct or isolate specific errors and is accomplished in the system state contatining the errors. The organisation and control of error recovery in asynconous systems is very complex. Nevertheless, it is possible to limit this complexity by appropriate system structuring aids. Techniques for structuring back ward error recovery are comparatively well understood. This paper proposes techniques for strucuring forward error recovery measures in asynchronous systems and generalizes recent ideas of atomic actions (transactions) so as to support fault-tolerant interactions between processes.
Author(s): Campell RH, Randell B
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title: Computing Laboratory Technical Report Series
Year: 1983
Pages: 40
Report Number: 186
Institution: Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Place Published: Newcastle upon Tyne