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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Oliver HeidrichORCiD
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To design and implement a sustainable production management system, senior managers have to be confident that the system is accepted and followed by the workforce. Understanding of workforce attitudes, perceptions and behaviour can be critical to its success. A questionnaire was applied to measure attitudes and perceptions, testing if these were predictive of behaviour and whether any demographic differences exist, e.g. between management and employees, gender, or job types. A further hypothesis related to whether positive recycling behaviours at home transferred to waste management behaviours at work or vice versa. Differences were found on demographic tests, but little transferability between home and work behaviour was evident. The findings are considered in light of relevant theories of attitudes and also in terms of their impact on sustainable management systems; and on training and communications strategies for production managers.
Author(s): Heidrich O; Harvey J
Editor(s): Spath, D., Ilg, R., Krause, T.
Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
Publication status: Published
Conference Name: 21st International Conference on Production Research
Year of Conference: 2011
Publisher: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
Series Title: Innovation in Product and Production
Sponsor(s): The International Foundation for Production Research (IFPR) and Fraunhofer IAO
ISBN: 9783839602935