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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Brian RandellORCiD
This note discusses strategies, based on the use of Occurrence Nets (ONs) and Structured Occurrence Nets (SONs), for constructing representations of the actual or presumed behaviour (the "activity") of a complex evolving system (of systems) in such a way that these representations remain manageable and understandable, despite the complexity of the activities they portray. This note is couched in terms of making incremental additions to ON and SON diagrams, and hence would seem to be aimed directly at issues of the design and use of a graphical interface to a SON workbench. However, it is in fact intended to be of at least equal relevance to non-graphical interfaces, in fact perhaps ones serving as APIs for use by specialist software applications that make little or no use of a graphical interface. For convenience, and because of the plans of the upcoming UNCOVER Research Project, many of the illustrative examples relate to the use of a criminal investigation system such as might be employed by the police to record and manage a growing collection of information and evidence regarding some large scale criminal activity. However, the issues discussed are intended to be of relevance to a variety of systems and application domains.
Author(s): Randell B
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title: School of Computing Science Technical Report Series
Year: 2013
Pages: 20
Print publication date: 01/05/2013
Source Publication Date: May 2013
Report Number: 1384
Institution: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Place Published: Newcastle upon Tyne