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Purging the nation: race, conviviality and embodied encounters in the lives of British Bangladeshi Muslim young women

Lookup NU author(s): Professor Anoop NayakORCiD



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This paper critically engages with debates on race, conviviality and thegeography of encounters. Where much of this work is undertaken inmulticultural places, far less is known about the doing and undoing ofconviviality in mainly-white localities. The study further contributes to thiswork by offering a richly embodied account of racism and belonging basedon the biographical testimonies of British Bangladeshi Muslim youngwomen. Through these accounts I identify topographies of power, socialinequality and forms of exclusion that disrupt the melody of multiculturalconviviality. I demonstrate the visceral aspects of race as it is summonedto-life in live encounters, where it is lived on the body, bleeds into thelocality and congeals around imaginary ideas of the nation state. I arguethat antagonistic encounters which serve to mark out British BangladeshiMuslims as ‘Other’ perform a bigger role: purging the nation, detoxifying itfrom encroaching multicultural intimacies and stabilising it aswhite. Despite this ritual cleansing I demonstrate how respondents areimplicated in new forms of civic belonging, laying claim to nationhood,locality and rights to the city that subvert and hollow out the fantasy of awhite nation.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Nayak A

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Year: 2017

Volume: 42

Issue: 2

Pages: 289-302

Print publication date: 01/06/2017

Online publication date: 12/01/2017

Acceptance date: 31/10/2016

Date deposited: 02/11/2016

ISSN (print): 0020-2754

ISSN (electronic): 1475-5661

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd


DOI: 10.1111/tran.12168

