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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Evangelos Papaioannou, Dr Brian Ray, Professor Ian MetcalfeORCiD
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The electrical performance and CO2 permeation of composite membranes based on Gd-doped ceria skeletonsimpregnated with molten alkaline carbonates are benchmarked against their predictable performance based onambipolar conductivity governed kinetics (best scenario), using customized diagrams. Experiments performed inthe 550–850 °C temperature range showed permeation rates reaching almost 0.6 cm3 min−1 cm−2 at 850 °Cwith 50 mol% CO2 content in the feed side. Endurance tests performed at 650 °C for over 100 h showed a smalldegradation due to microstructural changes. Impedance spectroscopy measurements combined with microstructuralanalysis involving several composite membranes and skeletons after distinct thermal history confirmedthe potential of these techniques to monitor the ceramic skeleton and membrane condition. The diagramsused to map membrane performance highlight in an entirely novel manner several kinetic and experimentalconstraints.
Author(s): Patrício SG, Papaioannou EI, Ray BM, Metcalfe IS, Marques FMB
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Journal of Membrane Science
Year: 2017
Volume: 541
Pages: 253-261
Print publication date: 01/11/2017
Online publication date: 08/07/2017
Acceptance date: 06/07/2017
Date deposited: 11/07/2017
ISSN (print): 0376-7388
ISSN (electronic): 1873-3123
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2017.07.008
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