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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Sarah Hill
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This article explores how the figure of the ambitious young woman is mediated within contemporary female-centredBritish sports films. The article begins by briefly outlining the relationship between postfeminism and neoliberalism andhighlights the relevance of these discourses to contemporary female-centred sports films. It then goes on to explore howpostfeminist, neoliberal values are mediated in the construction of the ambitious young woman through an analysis of theBritish film Chalet Girl (2011), using both textual analysis and analysis of the film’s extra-cinematic materials. The analysisemphasises the importance of national context within postfeminist and neoliberal discourses, highlighting in particular thesignificance of the film’s depictions of specifically British class hierarchies. The findings of the article demonstrate how, whileChalet Girl emphasises class binaries, the film ultimately upholds the neoliberal myth that (class) barriers can be overcomethrough determination, hard work and the right choices.
Author(s): Hill S
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Assuming Gender
Year: 2015
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Online publication date: 01/04/2015
Acceptance date: 09/03/2015
Date deposited: 23/09/2017
ISSN (electronic): 2042-387X
Publisher: Cardiff University, School of English, Communication and Philosophy