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Experimental and numerical investigation of a taut-moored wave energy converter: A validation of simulated buoy motions

Lookup NU author(s): Professor Zhiqiang HuORCiD



© 2017, © IMechE 2017. This study presents an experimental and numerical investigation of a taut-moored wave energy converter system with a point-absorber type of wave energy converter. The wave energy converter system consists of a buoy, a unique three-leg two-segment mooring system with submerged floaters, and a power take-off system designed for the current experiment as a heave plate. The main objective of the study is to validate a numerical simulation model against experiments carried out in an ocean basin laboratory. Two physical models in model scales 1:20 and 1:36 were built and tested. The detailed experimental testing programme encompasses tests of mooring system stiffness, decay tests, and different sea state conditions for ocean current, regular, and irregular waves. A numerical model in the model scale 1:20 was developed to simulate coupled hydrodynamic and structural response analyses of the wave energy converter system, primarily using potential flow theory, boundary element method, finite element method, and the Morison equation. Several numerical simulations are presented for each part of the experimental testing programme. Results for the wave energy converter buoy motions under operational conditions from the experiments and the numerical simulations were compared. This study shows that the simulation model can satisfactorily predict the dynamic motion responses of the wave energy converter system at non-resonant conditions, while at resonant conditions additional calibration is needed to capture the damping present during the experiment. A discussion on simulation model calibration with regard to linear and non-linear damping highlights the challenge to estimate these damping values if measurement data are not available.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Yang S-H, Ringsberg JW, Johnson E, Hu Z, Bergdahl L, Duan F

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Year: 2018

Volume: 232

Issue: 1

Pages: 97-115

Print publication date: 01/02/2018

Online publication date: 15/02/2018

Acceptance date: 12/09/2017

Date deposited: 15/04/2018

ISSN (print): 1475-0902

ISSN (electronic): 2041-3084

Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd


DOI: 10.1177/1475090217735954

