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Dynamic Performance Investigation of A Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine Under Different Sea Conditions

Lookup NU author(s): Professor Zhiqiang HuORCiD, Dr Xiangyin Meng



This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article that has been published in its final definitive form by Chinese Ocean Engineering Society, 2018.

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Both numerical calculation and model test are important techniques to study and forecast the dynamic responses of the floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT). However, both the methods have their own limitations at present. In this study, the dynamic responses of a 5 MW OC3 spar-type floating wind turbine designed for a water depth of 200 m are numerically investigated and validated by a 1:50 scaled model test. Moreover, the discrepancies between the numerical calculations and model tests are obtained and discussed. According to the discussions, it is found that the surge and pitch are coupled with the mooring tensions, but the heave is independent of them. Surge and pitch are mainly induced by wave under wind wave conditions. Wind and current will induce the low-frequency average responses, while wave will induce the fluctuation ranges of the responses. In addition, wave will induce the wavefrequency responses but wind and current will restrain the ranges of the responses.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Wan H, Hu Z, Meng X

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: China Ocean Engineering

Year: 2018

Volume: 32

Issue: 3

Pages: 256-265

Print publication date: 02/06/2018

Online publication date: 02/06/2018

Acceptance date: 15/03/2018

Date deposited: 05/06/2018

ISSN (print): 0890-5487

ISSN (electronic): 2191-8945

Publisher: Chinese Ocean Engineering Society


DOI: 10.1007/s13344-018-0027-8



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