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Time-Domain Analysis of the Relative Motions Between Side-by-Side FLNG and LNGC Under Oblique Waves

Lookup NU author(s): Professor Zhiqiang HuORCiD


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© 2018, Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Strong hydrodynamic interactions during the side-by-side offloading operation between floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) and liquefied natural gas carrier (LNGC) can induce high risks of collision. The weather vane effect of a single-point mooring system normally results in the satisfactory hydrodynamic performance of the side-by-side configuration in head seas. Nevertheless, the changes in wave directions in real sea conditions can significantly influence the relative motions. This article studies the relative motions of the side-by-side system by using the theoretical analysis method and the numerical calculation method. Based on the three-dimensional potential theory modified by artificial damping-lid method, the frequency-domain hydrodynamic coefficients can be improved to calculate the retardation functions for the multi-body problem. An in-house code is then developed to perform the time-domain simulation of two vessels, through which the relative motions are subsequently obtained. A range of oblique waves are chosen for the extensive calculation of relative motions between the two vessels, which are further analyzed in terms of the phase shift of motion responses induced by specific resonant wave patterns. Investigation results show that wave directions have a significant influence on the relative sway, roll, and yaw motions. Under the circumstance that the absolute phase shift between the roll motions of two vessels approaches 180°, stronger relative motions are induced when LNGC is on the weather side. Moreover, the gap water resonances at high frequencies tend to cause the dangerous opposed oscillation of two vessels in the sway and yaw modes, whereas FLNG reduces the gap water resonances and relative motions when located on the weather side.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Zhou K, Hu Z, Zhao D

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Application

Year: 2018

Volume: 17

Issue: 4

Pages: 519-530

Print publication date: 01/12/2018

Online publication date: 23/10/2018

Acceptance date: 08/05/2018

ISSN (print): 1671-9433

ISSN (electronic): 1993-5048

Publisher: Harbin Engineering University


DOI: 10.1007/s11804-018-0038-0

