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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Sven LahmeORCiD, Dr Lucy Eland, Professor Anil Wipat, Professor Ian Head, Professor Casey Hubert
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of an article that has been published in its final definitive form by Wiley-Blackwell, 2020.
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Sulfur‐oxidizing Sulfurimonas spp. are widespread in sediments, hydrothermal vent fields, aquifers and subsurface environments such as oil reservoirs where they play an important role in the sulfur cycle. We determined the genome sequence of the oil field isolate Sulfurimonas sp. strain CVO and compared its gene expression during nitrate‐dependent sulfide oxidation to the coastal sediment isolate Sulfurimonas denitrificans. Formation of elemental sulfur (S0) and high expression of sulfide quinone oxidoreductase (SQR) genes indicates that sulfide oxidation in both strains is mediated by SQR. Subsequent oxidation of S0 was achieved by the sulfur oxidation enzyme complex (SOX). In the coastal S. denitrificans, the genes are arranged and expressed as two clusters: soxXY1Z1AB and soxCDY2Z2H, and sulfate was the sole metabolic end product. By contrast, the oil field strain CVO has only the soxCDY2Z2H cluster and not soxXY1Z1AB. Despite the absence of the soxXY1Z1AB cluster, strain CVO oxidized S0 to thiosulfate and sulfate, demonstrating that soxCDY2Z2H genes alone are sufficient for S0 oxidation in Sulfurimonas spp. and that thiosulfate is an additional metabolic end product. Screening of publicly available metagenomes revealed that Sulfurimonas spp. with only the soxCDY2Z2H cluster are widespread suggesting this mechanism of thiosulfate formation is environmentally significant.
Author(s): Lahme S, Callbeck CM, Eland LE, Wipat A, Enning D, Head IM, Hubert CRJ
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Environmental Microbiology
Year: 2020
Volume: 22
Issue: 5
Pages: 1784-1800
Print publication date: 01/05/2020
Online publication date: 15/12/2019
Acceptance date: 11/12/2019
Date deposited: 08/01/2020
ISSN (print): 1462-2912
ISSN (electronic): 1462-2920
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14894
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