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Lookup NU author(s): Dr Robin Finlay, Professor Peter HopkinsORCiD, Dr Matt BenwellORCiD
This is the final published version of a report that has been published in its final definitive form by Newcastle University, 2022.
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Author(s): Finlay R, Hopkins P, Kirndörfer E, Kox M, Huizinga R, De Backer M, Benwell MC, van Liempt I, Hörschelmann K, Felten P, Bastian JM, Bousetta H
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title:
Year: 2022
Pages: 13
Print publication date: 04/03/2022
Online publication date: 06/03/2022
Acceptance date: 04/03/2022
Institution: Newcastle University
Place Published: Newcastle upon Tyne
ePrints DOI: 10.57711/qdv5-7h24
Notes: Output from The everyday experiences of young refugees and asylum seekers in public spaces project.