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A magnetic massive star has experienced a stellar merger

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Dominic BowmanORCiD



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).


Massive stars (those ≥8 solar masses at formation) have radiative envelopes that cannot sustain a dynamo, the mechanism that produces magnetic fields in lower-mass stars. Despite this, approximately 7% of massive stars have observed magnetic fields, the origin of which is debated. We used multi-epoch interferometric and spectroscopic observations to characterize HD 148937, a binary system of two massive stars. We found that only one star is magnetic and that it appears younger than its companion. The system properties and a surrounding bipolar nebula can be reproduced with a model in which two stars merged (in a previous triple system) to produce the magnetic massive star. Our results provide observational evidence that magnetic fields form in at least some massive stars through stellar mergers.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Frost AJ, Sana H, Mahy L, Wade G, Barron J, Le Bouquin J-B, Merand A, Schneider FRN, Shenar T, Barba RH, Bowman DM, Fabry M, Farhang A, Marchant P, Morrell NI, Smoker JV

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Science

Year: 2024

Volume: 384

Issue: 6692

Pages: 214-217

Print publication date: 12/04/2024

Online publication date: 11/04/2024

Acceptance date: 12/03/2024

Date deposited: 12/11/2024

ISSN (print): 0036-8075

ISSN (electronic): 1095-9203

Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science


DOI: 10.1126/science.adg7700

ePrints DOI: 10.57711/wvr3-yc02

Data Access Statement: The raw astrometric observations are available at the ESO science archive under the Program IDs 60.A-9168 for GRAVITY and 189.C-0644, 093.C-0503, 596.D-0495, 5100.D-0721, and 105.20FR for PIONIER. The reduced PIONIER data are archived at the OIData portal under target “HD 148937” and the dates listed in table S1. The TESS data are available from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes under target name “HD 148937.” The additional ESPaDOnS data are available at the PolarBase database of high resolution spectropolarimetric stellar observations under target “HD 148937” by using the dates listed in table S5. The Pmoired code used to analyze the GRAVITY data are available at and archived at Zenodo (51). See paper for remaining data access statement

PubMed id: 38603482


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Funder referenceFunder name
DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
Engineeringand Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
ERC Horizon Europe funding guarantee(SYMPHONY; grant EP/Y031059/1)
European Union’s Horizon 2020
Royal Society UniversityResearch Fellowship (grant URF\R1\231631)
