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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Noemi SinkovicsORCiD
This is the authors' accepted manuscript of a book chapter that has been published in its final definitive form by Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023.
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This chapter investigates the coffee value chain in Latin America. By drawing on the concept of just transitions as a “connective tissue” between the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the discussion zooms in on the promise of agroforestry for environmental upgrading. The chapter concludes by providing examples of trade-offs between environmental, social and economic aspects.
Author(s): Andrews K, Sinkovics N, Sinkovics RR
Editor(s): van Tulder, R; Giuliani, E; Álvarez, I
Publication type: Book Chapter
Publication status: Published
Book Title: International Business and Sustainable Development Goals
Year: 2023
Volume: 17
Pages: 309-323
Online publication date: 31/07/2023
Acceptance date: 01/06/2023
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Place Published: Bingley, UK
DOI: 10.1108/S1745-886220230000017016
ePrints DOI: 10.57711/58rq-4q11
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
ISBN: 9781837535057