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With growing competitive pressures, companies are increasingly deploying the Internet (Porter, 2001) as strategic option of performance enhancement. With the Internet representing a potentially fluid and boundary-less medium (Lim et al. 2004), this deployment takes place not only in domestic but also in international markets. The adoption of the Internet appears to be particularly important for smaller firms. They are naturally poorer in terms of resource-en- dowment than large MNEs (Welsh and White, 1981) and the Internet promises a fast-track and time-compressed option for international expansion (Sinkovics and Penz, 2005; Yamin and Sinkovics, 2006). However, as international busi- ness deals with a multitude of contingencies in its environment progressive expansion comes at a price and is increasingly risky (Shrader, Oviatt, and Phillips McDougall, 2000). Internet reliance and the deployment of informa- tion and communication technologies (ICT) may implicate ‘ambiguous’ effects (Jean, 2007). The virtual analogue to traditional physical exchange is not risk- free but exposes firms to an array of related risks (Scott, 2004; Viehland, 2001; Wat, Ngai, and Cheng, 2005). While some of these risks are only relevant in the online context, others have their origins in the traditional international business environment. Even though many risks belonging to the latter cat- egory are deemed less relevant for companies predominantly doing business in cyberspace, they need to be carefully examined as they might still affect these companies in a different and/or in a less visible way. Understanding international risk in both its traditional and virtual form is thus crucial. While the conscious and controlled handling of risks may represent an important source of sustainable competitive advantage in terms of the resource based view (Barney, 1991), the lack of a thorough risk assessment and of the weigh- ing of the offline-online risk trade-off can not only deprive a business of future profits but might also lead to complete business failure. However, the develop- ment of an international e-risk framework is not only relevant from a small firm survival and prosperity perspective, it also contributes to conceptual and theoretical development of international business and international entrepre- neurship thinking, as the concept of risk occupies a pivotal theoretical posi- tion in both domains. Thus, this chapter pursues two objectives. First, it aims at investigating how traditional international risks take effect in the online context based on Brouthers’s (1995) empirically tested risk dimensions taking a first step towards the construction of an international e-risk framework. Second, it endeavours to explain the risk trade-off between offline and online internationalization for small firms that give preference to a more virtualized market entrysolution rather than to traditional market entry. The structure of the chapter is as fol- lows: The first section introduces the international e-risk framework. The sec- ond section discusses the role of risk perceptions in online market entry mode decisions by proposing a simple model based on the internalization constitu- ent of Dunning’s eclectic (OLI) framework. The section concludes by consider- ing limitations and implications for future research.
Author(s): Pezderka N, Sinkovics RR
Editor(s): Dimitratos, P; Jones, MV
Publication type: Book Chapter
Publication status: Published
Book Title: Resources, Efficiency and Globalization
Year: 2010
Volume: 12
Pages: 233-246
Print publication date: 12/02/2010
Online publication date: 12/02/2010
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Place Published: London
DOI: 10.1057/9780230278028_13
Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item
ISBN: 9781349314607