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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Maciej KoutnyORCiD
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In the formal treatment of concurrent computing systems, causality and weak causality can be used to provide abstract specifications of the temporal 'earlier than' and 'not later than' orderings. In this paper we consider relational structures comprising causality and weak causality - called stratified order structures - which can be used to provide a non-sequential semantics of Petri nets with inhibitor arcs. We show that this approach can be extended to nets augmented with priority specifications. In particular, we demonstrate how to derive stratified order structures for such nets by generalising the standard construction of causal partial orders based on occurrence nets.
Author(s): Janicki R, Koutny M
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae
Year: 1999
Volume: 38
Issue: 3
Pages: 223-255
Print publication date: 01/05/1999
ISSN (print): 0169-2968
ISSN (electronic):
Publisher: IOS Press