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This article reports the lessons learnt from a period of retraining and from discussion with others who have been involved in a similar process. The conclusions are that retraining should only be undertaken once there is full agreement between all parties involved that it is necessary and feasible. There must also be agreement in advance of the criteria which will constitute successful retraining, and the actions which will be taken to ensure the rapid return of the retrainee to the type of practice which is being offered and has been accepted. The process of retraining requires especially close supervision and is very stressful for the retrainee. It is likely that this should only be undertaken in units specially staffed and funded to accommodate this type of work.
Author(s): Bulstrode C, Hunt V, Hamilton L, Briggs T, Hilton C
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: The Surgeon
Year: 2005
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Pages: 261-264
ISSN (print): 1479-666X
ISSN (electronic):
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
DOI: 10.1016/S1479-666X(05)80088-5