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Browsing publications by Dr Sylvia de Mars.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Aoife O'Donoghue
Law and Scale: Lessons from Northern Ireland and Brexit2024
Dr Sylvia de Mars
A Little Less Liable? Enforcing Post-Brexit EU Law in the UK2023
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Frontier Workers and their Families: Rights after Brexit2023
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Your Body is a Battleground: Pregnancy Discrimination and College Sports After Fifty Years of Title IX2023
Dr Sylvia de Mars
General principles in EU public procurement law2022
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Inevitably Diminished: Rights of Frontier Workers in Northern Ireland after Brexit2022
Dr Sylvia de Mars
VI v The Commissioners for HMRC [Case Note]2022
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Beyond Matryoshka Governance in the 21st Century: The Curious Case of Northern Ireland2021
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Professor Colin Murray
Continuing EU Citizenship “Rights, Opportunities and Benefits” in Northern Ireland after Brexit2020
Dr Sylvia de Mars
EU Law in the UK2020
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Professor Colin Murray
With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area after Brexit2020
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Managing Misconceptions about EU Citizens’ Access to Domestic Public Healthcare: An EU-Level Response?2019
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Professor Colin Murray
Aoife O'Donoghue
Bordering two unions: Northern Ireland and Brexit2018
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Professor Colin Murray
Discussion Paper on the Common Travel Area2018
Professor Colin Murray
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Aoife O'Donoghue
Policy Paper: Northern Ireland and the Brave New World of Brexit2017
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Corrigerende maatregelen bij overheidsopdrachten2016
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Exclusion and Self-Cleaning in Article 57: Discretion at the Expense of Clarity and Trade?2016
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Exclusion and Self-Cleaning in the 2014 Public Sector Directive2016
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Dr Patrick O'Callaghan
Narratives about privacy and forgetting in English law2016
Professor Colin Murray
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Aoife O'Donoghue
Policy Paper - Brexit, Ireland and Northern Ireland2016
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Dr Patrick O'Callaghan
Privacy and Search Engines: Forgetting or Contextualizing?2016
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Economically inactive EU migrants and the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Unreasonable Burdens without Real Links?2014
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Rights versus remuneration – the English NHS and abortion services for women from Northern Ireland2014
Dr Sylvia de Mars
The Limits of General Principles: A Procurement Case Study2013
Dr Sylvia de Mars
An Analysis of Use of Competitive Dialogue in the EU2012
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Comba, M., and Steen Treumer (eds.) 'The In-House Providing in European Law' (Copenhagen, Denmark: DJOF Publishing, 2010)2012
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Competitive Dialogue in France2012
Dr Sylvia de Mars
Burnett, Michael and Martin Oder, 'Competitive Dialogue:A Practical Guide', (Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 2009)2011