Dr Sylvia de Mars Aoife O'Donoghue
| Law and Scale: Lessons from Northern Ireland and Brexit | 2024 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| A Little Less Liable? Enforcing Post-Brexit EU Law in the UK | 2023 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Frontier Workers and their Families: Rights after Brexit | 2023 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Your Body is a Battleground: Pregnancy Discrimination and College Sports After Fifty Years of Title IX | 2023 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| General principles in EU public procurement law | 2022 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Inevitably Diminished: Rights of Frontier Workers in Northern Ireland after Brexit | 2022 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| VI v The Commissioners for HMRC [Case Note] | 2022 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Beyond Matryoshka Governance in the 21st Century: The Curious Case of Northern Ireland | 2021 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Professor Colin Murray
| Continuing EU Citizenship “Rights, Opportunities and Benefits” in Northern Ireland after Brexit | 2020 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| EU Law in the UK | 2020 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Professor Colin Murray
| With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area after Brexit | 2020 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Managing Misconceptions about EU Citizens’ Access to Domestic Public Healthcare: An EU-Level Response? | 2019 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Professor Colin Murray Aoife O'Donoghue
| Bordering two unions: Northern Ireland and Brexit | 2018 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Professor Colin Murray
| Discussion Paper on the Common Travel Area | 2018 |
Professor Colin Murray Dr Sylvia de Mars Aoife O'Donoghue
| Policy Paper: Northern Ireland and the Brave New World of Brexit | 2017 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Corrigerende maatregelen bij overheidsopdrachten | 2016 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Exclusion and Self-Cleaning in Article 57: Discretion at the Expense of Clarity and Trade? | 2016 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Exclusion and Self-Cleaning in the 2014 Public Sector Directive | 2016 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Dr Patrick O'Callaghan
| Narratives about privacy and forgetting in English law | 2016 |
Professor Colin Murray Dr Sylvia de Mars Aoife O'Donoghue
| Policy Paper - Brexit, Ireland and Northern Ireland | 2016 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars Dr Patrick O'Callaghan
| Privacy and Search Engines: Forgetting or Contextualizing? | 2016 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Economically inactive EU migrants and the United Kingdom's National Health Service: Unreasonable Burdens without Real Links? | 2014 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Rights versus remuneration – the English NHS and abortion services for women from Northern Ireland | 2014 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| The Limits of General Principles: A Procurement Case Study | 2013 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| An Analysis of Use of Competitive Dialogue in the EU | 2012 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Comba, M., and Steen Treumer (eds.) 'The In-House Providing in European Law' (Copenhagen, Denmark: DJOF Publishing, 2010) | 2012 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Competitive Dialogue in France | 2012 |
Dr Sylvia de Mars
| Burnett, Michael and Martin Oder, 'Competitive Dialogue:A Practical Guide', (Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 2009) | 2011 |