Professor Stella Ghervas
| Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union | 2021 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| A Cultural History of Peace in the Age of Enlightenment, 1648-1815 | 2020 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Definitions of Peace, 1815-1920 | 2020 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Introduction: From Westphalia to Enlightened Peace, 1648-1815 | 2020 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| From the Balance of Power to a Balance of Diplomacy? Peace and Security in the Vienna Settlement | 2019 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| In the Shadow of Utrecht: Perpetual Peace and International Order, 1713-1815 | 2019 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Europe's Utopias of Peace: 1815, 1919, 1951 by Bo Stråth [Book review] | 2018 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Ein Palimpsest für den Frieden: Die Heilige Allianz und das Ende des französischen Empire | 2018 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Le Lion peureux en quête de paix: L'Union européenne et sa phobie de la puissance | 2018 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| The Black Sea | 2018 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Balance of Power vs. Perpetual Peace: Paradigms of European Order from Utrecht to Vienna, 1713-1815 | 2017 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| The Cowardly Lion in Quest of Peace: The EU and Its Fear of Power | 2016 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| A ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ in the Post-Napoleonic Era: Roxandra Edling-Sturdza on the European Scene | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Congresul de la Viena și pacea europeană | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Das Erbe des Wiener Kongresses und der Wert von Friedensstiftern | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| La Sainte-Alliance: un pacte pacifique européen comme antydote à l'Empire | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| L'espace mer Noire: conquêtes et dominations, de l'Antiquité à nos jours | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Philhellénisme et ambitions russes dans le contexte de la Question d'Orient | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| The Long Shadow of the Congress of Vienna: From International Peace to Domestic Disorders | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Waterloo.Congrès de Vienne : la paix des forts | 2015 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| ‘L'Europe élargie’ d'après 1989: comment se réorienter dans la pensée? | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Antidotes to Empire: From the Congress System to the European Union | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| La paix par le droit, ciment de la civilisation en Europe? La perspective du siècle des Lumières | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Reinventarea tradiţiei: Alexandru Sturdza şi Europa Sfintei Alianţe | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Ten Lessons for Peace in Europe: From the Congress of Vienna and WWI, to the Failure of the G8 | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| The Congress of Vienna: A Peace for the Strong | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| The Power of Peace: Why 1814 Might Matter More than 1914 | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Three Lessons of Peace: From the Congress of Vienna to the Ukraine Crisis | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Wie Frieden geschaffen wird - Der Wiener Kongress | 2014 |
Professor Stella Ghervas
| Три урока мира: от Венского конгресса до кризиса в Украине | 2014 |