Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Borders: A Cross-Disciplinary Journey Through Non-Legal Lexicon | 2021 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Comparative CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE | 2021 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Against the Failure of the Legal Imagination. Literary Narratives, Brexit and the Fate of the Anglo-British Constitution | 2020 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| 'Inequality of Goods and Lands' in Mortgaged Societies. Paradigms and Effects of Global Comparative Law | 2020 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Islands and Insularity: Between Law, Geography, and Fiction | 2020 |
Professor Richard Mullender Dr Matteo Nicolini Dr Tom Bennett Dr Emilia Mickiewicz
| Law and Imagination in Troubled Times : A Legal and Literary Discourse | 2020 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Law and the Humanities in a Time of Climate Change | 2020 |
Dr Tom Bennett Dr Emilia Mickiewicz Dr Matteo Nicolini Professor Richard Mullender
| Legal Imagination in Troubled Times. An Introduction | 2020 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Litigating Regionalism in Italy: the Constitutional Court and the Dynamics of the Territorial Constitution | 2020 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| African Legal Traditions | 2019 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Mapping the Legacy of the Past: Colonial Laws and Customary Traditions in Africa | 2019 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Monstrosity "Overseas"? Civilisation, Trade, and Colonial Policy in Conrad's African Tales | 2019 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Praising the World “by Geometrical Terms”: Legal Metrics, Science and Indicators in Swift’s Voyage to Laputa | 2019 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Sources of Law | 2019 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Societal Engagement, Democratic Transition, and Constitutional Implementation in Malawi | 2018 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| The Principles of Separation and Correspondence, the Comparative Method and the Problem of Semantic Change | 2018 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Turning Vanity Fair into The Cœlestial City: England’s Legal Narratives of the Body Politic from Bunyan to Thackeray | 2018 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Writing for the "Scholar and the Gentleman": Language, society and Legal Education in Blackstone's Commentaries | 2018 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| From Hard-Copy Law to Digital law via "Illustrates Courtrooms": Visualising the History of legal English | 2017 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| Regional demarcation, territorial alteration and accommodation of divided societies | 2017 |
Dr Matteo Nicolini
| The constitutional implications of democracy in governing complex societies | 2017 |