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Browsing publications by Dr Deniz Yonucu.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Counterinsurgency in Turkey: Coloniality of Paramilitary Forces and Provocative Counterorganisation2025
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Police Ethnography, Abolition, Rancière and Political Theology2025
Dr Deniz Yonucu
The Sticky-Stalker State Subject: Surveillance of Dissent in Turkey2025
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Beyond pseudonyms: Ethics and politics of ethnographic representation2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Directions: Concluding reflections on indigenous scholarship and linguistic imperialism2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Irk, Irkçılık, Irksallaştırma2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Police Violence, Inspirational Hauntings, and Keeping the Struggle Alive2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Police, Provocation, Politics: Counterinsurgency in Istanbul: Acknowledging the 2023 Anthony Leeds prize in urban anthropology2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Polis-Hapis Disinda Toplumsal Guvenlik Tahayyulu Ve Halk Komitesi Deneyimi (Experinces of Safety outside the Police-Prison Nexus)2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Sectarianism as racism: the collective punishment of Alevi communities in Turkey2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
The Anthropology of Surveillance: An Interview with Katherine Verdery2024
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Adalet Fantezisi (The Fantasy of Justice)2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Inspirational Hauntings and a Fearless Spirit of Resistance: Negotiating the Undercover Police Surveillance of Racialized Spaces in Istanbul2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Landscapes of otherwise: Anthropological critique in want of" better" worlds.2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Mafyalar neoliberal devletin kontrol aygıtı2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Racism and policing beyond North America2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Racism and Policing in Global Perspective2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Racism, Policing, and the Black Resistance in Britain: A Conversation with Adam Elliot-Cooper.2023
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Counterinsurgency And Insurgent Safety in Istanbul2022
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Counterinsurgency and the Police: Perspectives from Istanbul2022
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Counterinsurgency in Istanbul: provocative counterorganization, violent interpellation and sectarian fears2022
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Police, Provocation, Politics: Counterinsurgency in Istanbul2022
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Genocide Never Sleeps2021
Dr Deniz Yonucu
From the Ottoman Empire to Post-1923: The Catastrophe as Seen by the Angel of History.2020
Dr Deniz Yonucu
State and Civilian Violence Against "Dangerous" Others2019
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Affect in the courtroom: beyond language and performance.2018
Dr Deniz Yonucu
The absent present law: An ethnographic study of legal violence in Turkey2018
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Urban vigilantism: A study of anti‐terror law, politics and policing in Istanbul2018
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Kapitalizm, Suçlulaştırma ve Siyaset2014
Dr Deniz Yonucu
Türkiye'de Bir Yönetim Biçimi Olarak Mekansal Ayrıştırma: Tehlikeli Mahalleler, Olağanüstü Hal ve Militarist Sınır Çizimi [Spatial Segregation as a Technology of Governance in Turkey: Dangerous Neighborhoods, State of Emergency and Militarized Boundary Drawing]2014