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Browsing publications by Dr Huizhi Liang.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Nicolay Rusnachenko
Dr Huizhi Liang
Dr Lei Shi
ARElight: Context Sampling of Large Texts for Deep Learning Relation Extraction2024
Zehao Liu
Dr Huizhi Liang
Cross-Metapath based Hashing for Recommendation Systems2024
Ziwei Zheng
Dr Huizhi Liang
Dr Varun Ojha
On Learnable Parameters of Optimal and Suboptimal Deep Learning Models2024
Nicolay Rusnachenko
Dr Huizhi Liang
Personality Profiling for Literary Character Dialogue Agents with Human Level Attributes2024
Duaa Alqattan
Rui Sun
Dr Huizhi Liang
Professor Raj Ranjan
Dr Varun Ojha
et al.
Security Assessment of Hierarchical Federated Deep Learning2024
Dr Huizhi Liang
Speech emotion recognition based on bi-directional acoustic–articulatory conversion2024
Dr Huizhi Liang
Nicolay Rusnachenko
Dialogue Agents with Literary Character Personality Traits2023
Thanet Markchom
Dr Huizhi Liang
Explainable Meta-Path Based Recommender Systems2023
Dr Huizhi Liang
Fusing generative adversarial network and temporal convolutional network for Mandarin emotion recognition融 合 生 成 对 抗 网 络 与 时 间 卷 积 网 络 的 普 通 话 情 感 识 别2023
Dr Huizhi Liang
Scalable and Explainable Visually-Aware Recommender Systems2023
Dr Huizhi Liang
Bing Zhai
Temporal Neighborhood based Self-supervised Pre-training Model for Sleep Stages Classification2023
Dr Huizhi Liang
ThyExp: An explainable AI-assisted Decision Making Toolkit for Thyroid Nodule Diagnosis based on Ultra-sound Images2023
Dr Huizhi Liang
Attractiveness Analysis for Health claims on Food Packages2022
Dr Huizhi Liang
DRprofiling: deep reinforcement user profiling for recommendations in heterogenous information networks2022
Dr Huizhi Liang
Improving Ultrasound Image Classification With Local Texture Quantisation2022
Dr Huizhi Liang
Relation-aware Blocking for Scalable Recommendation Systems2022
Dr Huizhi Liang
TNE: a general time-aware network representation learning framework for temporal applications2022
Dr Huizhi Liang
Augmenting visual information in knowledge graphs for recommendations2021
Dr Huizhi Liang
Health claims unpacked: a toolkit to enhance the communication of health claims for food2021
Dr Huizhi Liang
A dynamic Bayesian network approach for analysing topic-sentiment evolution2020
Dr Huizhi Liang
Semantic-aware blocking for entity resolution2016
Dr Huizhi Liang
Dynamic sorted neighborhood indexing for real-time entity resolution2015