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Browsing publications by Dr Albert Boaitey.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Amy Proctor
Dr Albert Boaitey
Animal health and welfare as a public good: what do the public think?2024
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Albert Boaitey
Cameron Hubbard
Societal Attitudes Towards Animal Welfare and Livestock Production Diseases2024
Dr Beth Clark
Dr Albert Boaitey
Dr Carmen Hubbard
Societal Attitudes Towards Animal Welfare and Livestock Production Diseases2024
Dr Albert Boaitey
Behind the veil: Social desirability bias and animal welfare ballot initiatives2022
Dr Albert Boaitey
Ten simple rules to ruin a collaborative environment2022
Dr Albert Boaitey
The value of additional calf–mother contact in milk choice: an analysis of US consumers2022