Dr Carol Fehringer
| The get-passive in Tyneside English: A highly frequent yet constrained variant | 2022 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| German Grammar in Context. Third Edition. | 2020 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| The use of modal particles in Netherlandic and Belgian Dutch imperatives | 2019 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Internal constraints on the use of gaan versus zullen as future markers in spoken Dutch: A quantitative variationist approach | 2017 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Professor Karen Corrigan
| "The Geordie accent has a bit of a bad reputation": internal and external constraints on stative possession in the Tyneside English of the 21st century | 2015 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Professor Karen Corrigan
| "You've got to sort of eh hoy the Geordie out": Modals of obligation and necessity in 50 years of Tyneside English | 2015 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Professor Karen Corrigan
| The rise of the going to future in Tyneside English: evidence for further grammaticalisation | 2015 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| German grammar in context : analysis and practice. | 2014 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| The lexical representation of compound words in English: evidence from aphasia | 2012 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Allomorphy in the German genitive. A paradigmatic account | 2011 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| The production of nominal compounds in English aphasic speech | 2011 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Wie wär's mit einem richtigen Mädelsabend? Plural -s within Compounds in Colloquial Northern German | 2009 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Nominale Diminutiva bei Komposita im Schwäbischen: Ein "Words and Rules"-Ansatz | 2009 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Dr Christina Fry
| Frills, furbelows and activated memory: syntactically optional elements in the spontaneous language production of bilingual speakers | 2007 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Dr Christina Fry
| Hesitation phenomena in the language production of bilingual speakers: The role of working memory | 2007 |
Dr Carol Fehringer Dr Christina Fry
| 'I'm doing the best I can.' Working memory constraints on syntactic complexity in the speech production of near-bilinguals | 2006 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Field Studies. German Language, Media and Culture | 2005 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| How stable are morphological doublets? A case study of /[schwa]/ [similar] Ø variants in Dutch and German | 2004 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Morphological 'gangs': constraints on paradigmatic relations in analogical change | 2003 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| Prosodic conditions on allomorph selection in Dutch derivational morphology | 2003 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| German Grammar in Context | 2002 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| A reference grammar of Dutch : with exercises and key | 1999 |
Dr Carol Fehringer
| A reference grammar of Dutch : with exercises and key | 1999 |