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Browsing publications from 2012

Authors               TitleYear
Professor Abigail Marks
"Every man for himself": Teamwork and customer service in the hospitality industry2012
Professor David Higgins
"Forgotten Heroes and Forgotten Issues": Business and Trademark History during the Nineteenth Century2012
Dr Monica Moreno Figueroa
"Linda Morenita": El Color de la Piel, la Belleza y la Política del Mestizaje en México2012
Dr Monica Moreno Figueroa
"Linda morenita": skin colour, beauty and the politics of Mestizaje in Mexico2012
Dr Kirsten MacLeod
"Marie Corelli"2012
Dr Juan Garcia Gonzalez
"Quintus Sertorius pro consule": connotaciones de la magistratura proconsular afirmada en las "glandes inscriptae Sertorianae"2012
Emma Noble
Professor Martin White
"The Day the Welfare Rights Lassie Rang, I Felt This Whole Weight Had Been Lifted" How Welfare Rights Advice Can Help With the Psychological and Social Impacts of Cancer2012
Dr Mark Garside
Professor Christopher Price
"Time is brain" - thrombolysis in acute stroke2012
Dr Mark Garside
Professor Christopher Price
"Time is brain" - Thrombolysis in acute stroke2012
Professor Abigail Marks
"Virtual teams are literally and metaphorically invisible": Forging identity in culturally diverse virtual teams2012