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Author(s): Andrews J, Scull A
Publication type: Authored Book
Publication status: Published
Series Title: Medicine and Society
Year: 2001
Number of Pages: 388
Publisher: University of California Press
Place Published: Berkeley, Los Angeles
Notes: This research monograph has been selected because it represents (the first in a 2-volume) collaboration between Jonathan Andrews and Andrew Scull, and signifies the widening international profile of Andrews' scholarship. It is also to be distinguished for the high plaudits it received from reviewers both in the media (e.g. Guardian, TLS), and from international peer refereed journals, such as History of Psychiatry (essay rev.), the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, American Historical Review, Medical History, JAMA, NEJM and Social History of Medicine. Appreciated by many as a rare social and cultural history, as well as a 'markedly revisionist' account, of the practice of a single eighteenth-century 'mad-doctor', it has been assessed by most, including David Wright, as 'required reading for any student of early-modern British psychiatry'. It displays and benefits from a notably multi-disciplinary analytical approach to a professional carrer, surveying the broad context of mad-dcotoring via access to the perspective of both Monro and his professional colleagues, and moreover to a rich range of lay and patient commentary. It combines case history analysis, with the analysis of a welter of institutional sources, socio-economic with cultural and sociological analysis, literary analysis with the careful contextualising approach from visual culural analysis to over 50 illustrations reproduced within the text.
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ISBN: 9780520231511