Dr James Kennaway Dr Jonathan Andrews
| 'The Grand Organ of Sympathy': 'Fashionable' Stomach Complaints and the Mind in Britain, 1700-1850 | 2019 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews Dr James Kennaway
| Experiencing, Exploiting and Evacuating Bile: Framing Fashionable Biliousness from the Sufferer’s Perspective | 2017 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Histories of Asylums, Insanity and Psychiatry in Scotland | 2017 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews Dr Clark Lawlor Dr James Kennaway
| Introduction "An Exclusive Privilege…to Complain": Framing Fashionable Diseases in the Long Eighteenth Century; Experiencing, Exploiting, and Evacuating Bile: Framing Fashionable Biliousness from the Sufferer's Perspective | 2017 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Introduction: Histories of asylums, insanity and psychiatry in Scotland | 2017 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| James Frame's The Philosophy of Insanity (1860) | 2017 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| ‘Revolutions in the Head’, Book Review of Andrew Scull, Madness in Civilization: A Cultural History of Insanity (Thames & Hudson, 2015) | 2015 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Book Review of Heather R. Beatty, Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Reality of a Fashionable Disorder (Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine, 6.) ( London: Pickering & Chatto, 2012) | 2015 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Death and the dead-house in Victorian asylums: necroscopy versus mourning at the Royal Edinburgh Asylum, c. 1832-1901 | 2012 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Introduction: Lunacy's last rites | 2012 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Lunacy’s Last Rites: Dying Insane in Britain, c. 1629-1939 | 2012 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| 'Of the Termination of Insanity in Death', by James Cowles Prichard (1835) | 2012 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Cause or Symptom?: Contentions Surrounding Religious Melancholy and Mental Medicine in Late-Georgian Britain | 2011 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| History of medicine: health, medicine and disease in the eighteenth century | 2011 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| From stack-firing to pyromania: medico-legal concepts of insane arson in British, US and European contexts, c. 1800-1913. Part 1 | 2010 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| From stack-firing to pyromania: medico-legal concepts of insane arson in British, US and European contexts, c. 1800-1913. Part 2 | 2010 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Lunatic Hospitals in Georgian England, 1750-1830 | 2009 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Madness, Architecture and the Built Environment: Psychiatric Spaces in Historical Context | 2007 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| The (un)dress of the mad poor in England, c.1650-1850. Part 1 | 2007 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| The (un)dress of the mad poor in England, c.1650-1850. Part 2 | 2007 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Introduction: Gender and Class in the Historiography of British Psychiatry | 2004 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Sex and Seclusion, Class and Custody: Perspectives on Gender and Class in the History of British and Irish Psychiatry | 2004 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| The Rise of the Asylum in Britain | 2004 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Customers and Patrons of the Mad-Trade: The Management of Lunacy in Eighteenth-Century London: With the Complete Text of John Monro's 1766 Case Book | 2003 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Grand Master of Bedlam: Roy Porter and the History of Psychiatry | 2003 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| The boundaries of Her Majesty's Pleasure: discharging child-murderers from Broadmoor and Perth Criminal Lunatic Department, c.1860-1920 | 2002 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Undertaker of the Mind: John Monro and Mad-Doctoring in Eighteenth-Century England | 2001 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Letting madness range: travel and madness, c1700-1900' | 2000 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| Raising the tone of asylumdom. Maintaining and expelling pauper lunatics at the Glasgow Royal Asylum in the nineteenth century | 1999 |
Dr Jonathan Andrews
| A failure to flourish?: David Yellowlees and the Glasgow School of Psychiarty: Part 2 | 1997 |