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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Jill ClarkORCiD, Karen Laing
Executive Summary This review focuses on the evidence of participation of children and young people (CYP) in, and with, criminal justice research. This review has identified the current position of CYP in research into the criminal justice system in the UK, and suggested a model of justification for involving them. The evidence shows that there has been a genuine progression over the last decade in terms of ensuring the participation of CYP. Participatory research would seem an effective way of ensuring CYP can challenge negative perceptions, stimulate change and become visible in a positive manner. Any research involving CYP needs to be clear in its focus and purpose, and provide opportunities for CYP to engage in a meaningful and relevant way, in order that it can enhance their well-being and be mutually beneficial. In this way CYP can become active and empowered citizens in their own communities and beyond. On the basis of the evidence we recommend that researchers examine their motives carefully, work in partnership to share knowledge and skills, and collect evidence from CYP about ‘when’ it is appropriate to involve young people in research, and ‘which’ young people.
Author(s): Clark J, Laing K
Publication type: Report
Publication status: Published
Series Title: AHRC Connected Communities programme: Scoping Reviews
Type: Discussion Paper
Year: 2012
Pages: 11
Institution: Newcastle upon Tyne
Place Published: Newcastle University