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Lookup NU author(s): Professor Aileen MillORCiD, Dr Graham Smith
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The North American ruddy duck is an invasive alien species in Europe, which threatens the native white-headed duck through hybridisation. A substantial population established in the UK following escapes and releases beginning in the 1950s. The species then spread widely within Europe, with records across much of the continent, and viable populations established in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain. An international plan to eradicate the species from Europe has been adopted, but the approaches and intensity of control have varied widely between countries. We report on progress towards eradication across the continent. Numbers in 2013 were less than 7 % of the 2000 population, although coordinated action is still required to achieve eradication. The European Union is considering a new legislative instrument on Invasive Alien Species, which is likely to place responsibilities on member states to control named species. Coordinated control across those member states with remaining ruddy duck populations is likely to be an early test of any new responsibilities, with the potential to achieve the first continental scale eradication of an invasive alien species.
Author(s): Robertson PA, Adriaens T, Caizergues A, Cranswick PA, Devos K, Gutiérrez-Expósio A, Henderson I, Hughes B, Mill AC, Smith GC
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Biological Invasions
Year: 2015
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Pages: 9-12
Print publication date: 01/01/2015
Online publication date: 25/06/2014
Acceptance date: 21/04/2014
ISSN (print): 1387-3547
ISSN (electronic): 1573-1464
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10530-014-0704-3
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