Amar Rajgor Dr Christopher Kui Dr Josh Cowley Dr Colin Gillespie Professor Aileen Mill et al. | CT-based radiomic markers are independent prognosticators of survival in advanced laryngeal cancer: A pilot study. | 2023 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Zelda Van der Waal
| Opportunistic viral surveillance confirms the ongoing disease threat grey squirrels pose to sympatric red squirrel populations in the UK | 2023 |
Emily Stevenson Dr Pete Robertson Dr Emily Hickinbotham Dr Louise Mair Professor Aileen Mill et al. | Synthesising 35 years of invasive non-native species research | 2023 |
Dr Jeroen Minderman Professor Aileen Mill
| Intervene or wait? A model evaluating the timing of intervention in conservation conflicts adaptive management under uncertainty | 2022 |
Christina Skinner Professor Aileen Mill Dr Steven Newman Dr Mike Zhu Professor Nick Polunin et al. | Offshore pelagic subsidies dominate carbon inputs to coral reef predators | 2021 |
Dr Simone Mordue Professor Aileen Mill Dr Kirsten Wolff
| Population structure, gene flow and relatedness of Natterer's bats in Northern England | 2021 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| A cohort study investigating the relationship between patient reported outcome measures and pre-operative frailty in patients with operable, non-palliative colorectal cancer | 2020 |
Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill Dr Mark Shirley Olaf Booy
| A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| A systematic review of adaptive wildlife management for the control of invasive, non-native mammals, and other human–wildlife conflicts | 2020 |
Dr David Cowan Dr Zelda Van Der Waal Dr Louise Mair Professor Aileen Mill
| Adaptive management of an iconic invasive goat Capra hircus population | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Need for routine tracking of biological invasions | 2020 |
Alexander Khan Professor Aileen Mill Professor Tim Gray Professor Nick Polunin
| Reliability of the data on tuna catches obtained from the dockside in Indonesia: A study of stakeholders' perceptions | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Pete Robertson Dr Alastair Ward
| The challenges of long-term invasive mammal management: lessons from the UK | 2020 |
Christina Skinner Professor Aileen Mill Dr Steven Newman Professor Nick Polunin
| The importance of oceanic atoll lagoons for coral reef predators | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Pete Robertson
| The role of species charisma in biological invasions | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Using and communicating uncertainty for the effective control of invasive non‐native species | 2020 |
Olaf Booy Dr Pete Robertson Dr Niall Moore Jessica Ward Dr Sasha Jenkins et al. | Using structured eradication feasibility assessment to prioritise the management of new and emerging invasive alien species in Europe | 2020 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Assessing a potential non-invasive method for viral diagnostic purposes in European squirrels | 2019 |
Dr Inaki Deza-Cruz Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton
| Comparison of the Use of Serum and Plasma as Matrix Specimens in a Widely Used Noncommercial Dengue IgG ELISA | 2019 |
Jessica Duffill Telsnig Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin
| Estimating contributions of pelagic and benthic pathways to consumer production in coupled marine food webs | 2019 |
Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill Dr Mark Shirley Olaf Booy
| Invasive species removals and scale–contrasting island and mainland experience | 2019 |
Christina Skinner Professor Aileen Mill Dr Steven Newman Dr Matthew Cobain Professor Nick Polunin et al. | Novel tri-isotope ellipsoid approach reveals dietary variation in sympatric predators | 2019 |
Christina Skinner Dr Steven Newman Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin
| Prevalence of pelagic dependence among coral reef predators across an atoll seascape | 2019 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin
| Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna pole-and-line marketing supply chains in Indonesia: Case study in Pulau Bacan | 2019 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| A citizen science based survey method for estimating the density of urban carnivores | 2018 |
Alexander Khan Professor Tim Gray Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin
| Impact of a fishing moratorium on a tuna pole-and-line fishery in eastern Indonesia | 2018 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Mortalities, amyloidosis and other diseases in free-living red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) on Jersey, Channel Islands | 2018 |
Kirsty Lees Professor Aileen Mill Daniel Skerritt Dr Pete Robertson Professor Clare Fitzsimmons et al. | Movement patterns of a commercially important, free-ranging marine invertebrate in the vicinity of a bait source | 2018 |
Dr Louise Mair Professor Aileen Mill Dr Pete Robertson Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Mark Shirley et al. | The contribution of scientific research to conservation planning | 2018 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Zelda Van Der Waal
| A preliminary comparison of Magnum 116 body-grip traps with a live capture trap design during the control of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) | 2017 |
Wahyu Nugraha Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin
| Caribbean parrotfish density and size inside and outside marine protected area | 2017 |
Fabrice Stephenson Professor Aileen Mill Dr Catherine Scott Professor Nick Polunin Professor Clare Fitzsimmons et al. | Experimental potting impacts on common UK reef habitats in areas of high and low fishing pressure | 2017 |
Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill Dr Mark Shirley Olaf Booy
| Invasive species removals and scale – contrasting island and mainland experience | 2017 |
Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Ailsa McKenzie
| Pheasant release in Great Britain: long-term and large-scale changes in the survival of a managed bird | 2017 |
Olaf Booy Professor Aileen Mill Dr Niall Moore Dr Pete Robertson Dr Alastair Ward et al. | Risk management to prioritise the eradication of new and emerging invasive non-native species | 2017 |
Dr Fabrice Stephenson Professor Aileen Mill Dr Gavin Stewart Dr Matthew Grainger Professor Nick Polunin et al. | Socio-economic, technological and environmental drivers of spatio-temporal changes in fishing pressure | 2017 |
Mark Sinclair Professor Nick Polunin Professor Aileen Mill Dr Catherine Scott Dr Paula Lightfoot et al. | Spatial and temporal changes in pot-fishing effort and habitat use | 2017 |
Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill
| The large-scale removal of mammalian invasive alien species in Northern Europe | 2017 |
Dr David Cowan Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton
| Adenovirus detected in juvenile squirrels | 2016 |
Dr Margarita Lavides Erina Molina Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Professor Selina Stead et al. | Patterns of Coral-Reef Finfish Species Disappearances Inferred from Fishers’ Knowledge in Global Epicentre of Marine Shorefish Diversity | 2016 |
Dr David Cowan Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton
| SQPV antibody detection in juvenile squirrels | 2016 |
Daniel Skerritt Dr Pete Robertson Professor Aileen Mill Professor Nick Polunin Professor Clare Fitzsimmons et al. | Fine-scale movement, activity patterns and home-ranges of European lobster Homarus gammarus | 2015 |
Dr Simone Mordue Dr Graham Smith Professor Stephen Rushton Professor Aileen Mill
| How can we maintain Favourable Conservation Status in roost switching bats? Poster Presentation | 2015 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Graham Smith
| Towards the European eradication of the North American ruddy duck | 2015 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Mark Shirley Dr Graham Smith Professor Giles Budge et al. | Clustering, persistence and control of a pollinator brood disease: epidemiology of American foulbrood | 2014 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Pete Robertson
| Modeling source and sink dynamics in the spread and subsequent eradication of an invasive non-native species. | 2014 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Laura Yates Professor Simon Thomas
| Pregnancy outcome following maternal use of zanamivir or oseltamivir during the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic: a national prospective surveillance study | 2014 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Mark Shirley Professor Giles Budge
| Spatial point process models to determine clustering of American Foulbrook in UK Honeybees | 2014 |
Dr Matthew Slater Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Professor Selina Stead
| Effect of social and economic drivers on choosing aquaculture as a coastal livelihood | 2013 |
Dr Zelda Van Der Waal Professor Stephen Rushton Professor Aileen Mill
| Prevalence of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis in Cultured Tilapia on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii | 2013 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton Dr Mark Shirley Robbie McDonald
| Farm-scale risk factors for bovine tuberculosis incidence in cattle herds during the Randomised Badger Culling Trial | 2012 |
Helen Bloomfield Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Aileen Mill Professor Selina Stead Professor Nick Polunin et al. | No-trawl area impacts: perceptions, compliance and fish abundances | 2012 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Detection of endogenous steroid abuse in cattle: results from population studies in the UK | 2011 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Detection of nandrolone and boldenone abuse in the ovine by GC-MS/MS | 2011 |
Professor Aileen Mill Professor Stephen Rushton
| PAH contamination in Shellfish: Modelling to estimate exposure | 2011 |
Dr Laura Yates Dr Michelle Pierce Professor Aileen Mill Professor Simon Thomas Margaret Knight et al. | Influenza A/H1N1v in pregnancy: an investigation of the characteristics and management of affected women and the relationship to pregnancy outcomes for mother and infant | 2010 |
Professor Aileen Mill
| Validation of an Analytical Biomarker Approach for the Detection of Nandrolone Abuse in the Porcine | 2010 |
Professor Aileen Mill Dr Christopher Sweeting Carolyn Barnes Saoud Al-Habsi Michael MacNeil et al. | Mass-spectrometer bias in stable isotope ecology | 2008 |
Professor Aileen Mill John Pinnegar Professor Nick Polunin
| Explaining isotope trophic-step fractionation: Why herbivorous fish are different | 2007 |
Dr Nicholas Dulvy Professor Nick Polunin Professor Aileen Mill Nicholas Graham
| Size structural change in lightly exploited coral reef fish communities: Evidence for weak indirect effects | 2004 |