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What Happens to Digital Feedback?: Studying the Use of a Feedback Capture Platform by Care Organisations

Lookup NU author(s): Andrew Dow, Professor John Vines, Dr Toby Lowe, Dr Robert Comber, Professor Rob WilsonORCiD



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In this paper we report on a four-month long field trial ofThoughtCloud, a feedback collection platform that allowspeople to leave ratings and audio or video responses tosimple prompts. ThoughtCloud was trialled with fourorganisations providing care services for people withdisabilities. We conducted interviews with staff andvolunteers that used ThoughtCloud before, during and afterits deployment, and workshops with service users and staff.While the collection of feedback was high, only oneorganisation regularly reviewed and responded to collectedopinions. Furthermore, tensions arose around data accessand sharing, and the mismatch of values between ‘givingvoice’ and the capacity for staff to engage in feedbackpractices. We contribute insights into the challenges facedin using novel technologies in resource constrainedorganisations, and discuss opportunities for designs thatgive greater agency to service users to engage those thatcare for them in reflecting and responding to their opinions.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Dow A, Vines J, Lowe T, Comber R, Wilson R

Publication type: Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)

Publication status: Published

Conference Name: ACM SIGCHI (CHI) 2017

Year of Conference: 2017

Pages: 5813-5825

Online publication date: 02/05/2017

Acceptance date: 18/01/2017

Date deposited: 12/06/2017

Publisher: ACM


DOI: 10.1145/3025453.3025943

Data Access Statement:

Library holdings: Search Newcastle University Library for this item

Sponsor(s): SIGCHI ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction

ISBN: 9781450346559
