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Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2022. For permissions, please email: AIMS: The arrangement of the conduction axis is markedly different in various mammalian species. Knowledge of such variation may serve to question the validity of using animals as prospective models for design of systems for clinical use. METHODS AND RESULTS: We compared the arrangement of the atrioventricular conduction axis in human, murine, canine, porcine, and bovine hearts, examining serially sectioned datasets from 20 human, 16 murine, 3 porcine, 5 canine, and 1 bovine hearts. We also analysed computed tomographic datasets obtained from bovines and one human heart. Unlike the situation in the human heart, there is no formation of an atrioventricular fibrous membranous septum in the murine, canine, porcine, nor bovine hearts. Canine, porcine, and bovine hearts also lack an infero-septal recess, when defined as a fibrous plate supporting the buttress of the atrial septum. In these species, half of the non-coronary leaflet is directly opposed to the ventricular septal surface. CONCLUSION: There is a long right-sided non-branching component of the axis, which skirts the attachment of the non-coronary sinus of the aortic root. In the bovine heart, moreover, the left bundle branch usually extends intramyocardially as a solitary tape before surfacing and ramifying on the left ventricular septal surface. The difference in the atrioventricular conduction axis between species may influence the anatomical substrates for atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia, as well as providing inferences for assessing the risks of transcatheter implantation of the aortic valve. Further studies are now needed to assess these possibilities.
Author(s): Macias Y, de Almeida MC, Tretter JT, Anderson RH, Spicer DE, Mohun TJ, Sanchez-Quintana D, Farre J, Back Sternick E
Publication type: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: EP Europace
Year: 2022
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Pages: 443-454
Print publication date: 01/03/2022
Online publication date: 06/01/2022
Acceptance date: 08/11/2021
ISSN (print): 1099-5129
ISSN (electronic): 1532-2092
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/europace/euab291
PubMed id: 34999788
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