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Browsing publications by Professor Bob Anderson.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Bob Anderson
Ethical Use of Cadaveric Images in Anatomical Textbooks, Atlases, and Journals: A Consensus Response From Authors and Editors2025
Professor Bob Anderson
A new approach to surgical correction of double-outlet right ventricle with remote interventricular communication2024
Professor Bob Anderson
A new dimension in cardiac imaging: Three-dimensional exploration of the atrioventricular conduction axis with hierarchical phase-contrast tomography2024
Professor Bob Anderson
An unusual form of "haemodynamic vise" in supra cardiac totally anomalous pulmonary venous drainage2024
Professor Bob Anderson
An Unusual Presentation of Double-Outlet Right Atrium2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomical Ablation of the Atrioventricular Node2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Atrioventricular Septal Defect With Tetralogy of Fallot and Exclusive Shunting at the Ventricular Level2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Janet Kerwin
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Dr Steven Lisgo
Professor Deborah Henderson
et al.
Cardiac development demystified by use of the HDBR atlas2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the Anatomy of Tetralogy of Fallot with S-shaped Ascending Aorta2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Commentary: Is precision for septation achieved by mapping or morphology?2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Common arterial trunk with pulmonary atresia2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Complex Atrial Baffling Procedures in Left Isomerism With Right- and Left-Hand Topology2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Correction of bundle branch block by so-called nonselective His bundle pacing: The potential role of accessory connections in the ventricular septal crest2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Dr Lorraine Eley
Dr Janet Kerwin
et al.
Development of the arterial roots and ventricular outflow tracts2024
Professor Bob Anderson
High-resolution mapping of the circuit of typical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia2024
Professor Bob Anderson
How best can we name the channels seen in the setting of deficient ventricular septation?2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Human Cardiac Development2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Mitral annular disjunction: A ubiquitous finding with or without mitral valvar prolapse2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Molecular Pathways and Animal Models of Atrial Septal Defect2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Myocardial blood flow determination from contrast-free magnetic resonance imaging quantification of coronary sinus flow2024
Dr Janet Kerwin
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Bob Anderson
Relating normal human cardiac development to the anatomical findings in the congenitally malformed heart2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Revisiting the anatomy of the left ventricle in the light of knowledge of its development2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical Repair of Common Arterial Trunk With Ventriculoarterial Septal Defect and Dual Orifice Truncal Valve2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical repair of unusual variant of double-outlet right ventricle with discordant atrioventricular connections and superior-inferior ventricles2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Systemic venous anomalies in a child with a vein of Galen2024
Professor Bob Anderson
The arrangement of the organs2024
Professor Bob Anderson
The Atrioventricular Conduction Axis in Man and Mouse2024
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
The changing morphology of the ventricular walls of mouse and human with increasing gestation2024
Professor Bob Anderson
The clinical anatomy of the atrioventricular conduction axis2024
Professor Bob Anderson
The Surgical Significance of Phenotypic Variability in the Setting of Tetralogy of Fallot2024
Professor Bob Anderson
To the Editor—Electrical impulse conduction through superior septal connections as a mechanism to bundle branch block correction is a verifiable assumption2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
What are the conotruncal malformations?2024
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
A revised terminology for the pharyngeal arches and the arch arteries2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomy of the mitral valve relative to controversies concerning the so-called annular disjunction2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Catheter-induced right bundle branch block: Practical implications for the cardiac electrophysiologist2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Chiari network for the interventional cardiologist: A hidden enemy at the heart gate – A systematic review of the literature2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Classifying Cardiac Anomalies in Right and Left Isomerism: Concordant and Discordant Patterns2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Commentary: Anomalies of systemic veins: A topic of interest to the anesthesiologist2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Common Arterial Trunk Coexisting With Double-Barreled Aorta2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Double Outlet of Both Ventricles With an Unusual Relationship of the Great Arteries2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Evidence for concealed fasciculo-ventricular connections as revealed by His bundle pacing2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Excessive Trabeculation of the Left Ventricle: JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging Expert Panel Paper2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Expert Consensus Statement: Anatomy, Imaging, and Nomenclature of Congenital Aortic Root Malformations2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Expert Consensus Statement: Anatomy, Imaging, and Nomenclature of Congenital Aortic Root Malformations2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Identifying Anomalies of Systemic Venous Drainage: Systemic Venous Anomalies; Atrial Morphology2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Lack of evidence for longitudinal dissociation of the atrioventricular conduction axis2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Long-Term Surgical Outcomes of Patients With Isomeric Right and Left Atrial Appendages2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Morphogenetic processes in the development and evolution of the arteries of the pharyngeal arches: their relations to congenital cardiovascular malformations2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Quantitative assessment of the fast pathway in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Recognising ligamentous atresia in double aortic arch2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Relationship between the aortic root and the atrioventricular conduction axis2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Revisiting the anatomy of the right ventricle in the light of knowledge of its development2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical Repair of a Rare Variant of Common Arterial Trunk, With Considerations of its Significance for Morphogenesis2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
The advantages of naming rather than numbering the arteries of the pharyngeal arches2023
Professor Bob Anderson
The Atrioventricular Conduction Axis Revisited for the 21st Century2023
Professor Bob Anderson
The Sinus Venosus Veno-Venous Bridge Not a septal defect2023
Professor Bob Anderson
The so-called "one-and-a-half" ventricular repair: Where are we after 40 years?2023
Professor Bob Anderson
The utility of a structured, interactive cardiac anatomy teaching session for resident education2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Tricuspid atresia and common arterial trunk: a rare form of CHD2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Uncertainty related to evidence2023
Professor Bob Anderson
When not all three-dimensional anatomic teaching resources are the same2023
Professor Bob Anderson
Which Phenotypes Should We Include in the Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome?2023
Professor Bob Anderson
A pictorial account of the human embryonic heart between 3.5 and 8 weeks of development2022
Professor Bob Anderson
A reappraisal of the sinus venosus defect2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Comment on Aortopulmonary Window and Anomalies of Coronary Arterial Origin2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Correspondence on 'The personalized external aortic root support procedure: interesting niche or ready for prime time?' by Burke et al2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Disharmonious Ventricular Relationship and Topology for the Given Atrioventricular Connections. Contemporary Diagnostic Approach Using 3D Modeling and Printing2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Divided left atrium with totally anomalous drainage of normally connected pulmonary veins2022
Professor Bob Anderson
ENCOMIUM to Professor Hein J.J. Wellens: a stellar and comprehensive cardiologist2022
Dr Lu Wang
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
ETS1 loss in mice impairs cardiac outflow tract septation via a cell migration defect autonomous to the neural crest2022
Professor Bob Anderson
How does the cardiac impulse pass from the sinus to the atrioventricular node?2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Is it really a levoatrial cardinal vein?2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Lodewyk H.S. van Mierop (March 31, 1927-October 17, 2021): a true giant2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Mahaim Revisited2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 1 - Part I: the Development of the atrioventricular conduction axis2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 1 - Part II: the comparative anatomy of the atrioventricular conduction axis2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 1 - Part IV: How frequent are fasciculo-ventricular connections in the normal heart?2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 1-Part III: 'Behind the scenes' in the triangle of Koch2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 2 - Septal and paraseptal accessory pathways - Part II: Para-Hisian accessory pathways - so-called anteroseptal pathways revisited2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 2 - Septal and paraseptal accessory pathways - Part III: Mid-paraseptal accessory pathways-revisiting bypass tracts crossing the pyramidal space2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Miniseries 2 - Septal and paraseptal accessory pathways - Part IV: Inferior paraseptal accessory pathways-lessons from surgical and catheter ablation2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Mitral Annular Disjunction Assessed Using CMR Imaging: Insights From the UK Biobank Population Study2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Morphogenesis of the Mammalian Aortic Arch Arteries2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical implications of variations in the anatomy of the aortic root2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical management of hearts with isomeric atrial appendages2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Techniques and pitfalls of coronary arterial reimplantation in anatomical correction of transposition2022
Professor Bob Anderson
The atrioventricular conduction axis and the aortic root—Inferences for transcatheter replacement of the aortic valve2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Jasmin Turner
Professor Deborah Henderson
The Morphogenesis of Abnormal Coronary Arteries in the Congenitally Malformed Heart2022
Professor Bob Anderson
The significance of systemic-to-pulmonary collateral arteries2022
Professor Bob Anderson
The surgical anatomy of hearts with isomeric atrial appendages - implications for surgical management2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding the heterogeneity of "mitral atresia" with patent aortic root2022
Professor Bob Anderson
Atrial Tachycardia Ablation at the Pulmonic Valve in a Patient With Congenitally Corrected Transposition of Great Arteries2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarification of the definition of hypoplastic left heart syndrome2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Commentary: The rose continues to smell sweetly2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Double outlet of both ventricles: morphological, echocardiographic and surgical considerations2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Elliot Shinebourne 18 May, 1940-29 November, 20202021
Professor Bob Anderson
Heterotaxy - Res ipsos loquitur2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Inferior Extensions of the Atrioventricular Node2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Isolated Left-Sided Accessory Pathway Potential: The Potential Possibilities2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Left pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta: A case report and review of published cases2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Letter to the editor regarding: "a rare case of CHD: Anomalous origin of coronary artery from innominate artery with coronary fistula and truncus arteriosus"2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Living Anatomy of the Pericardial Space: A Guide for Imaging and Interventions2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Making the most of episcopic datasets from developing mice2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Printing of Three-Dimensional Heart Models—Is It Worth the Expense?2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Size of the shadow2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Subepicardial and endocardial myocardial layers within the roof of the left atrium2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical management of divided atrial chambers2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical management of lesions encountered in the setting of the retroaortic left brachiocephalic vein2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical management of the scimitar syndrome2021
Professor Bob Anderson
The atrioventricular conduction axis and its implications for permanent pacing2021
Professor Bob Anderson
The Continuing Surprises Regarding So-Called Mahaim Conduction2021
Professor Bob Anderson
The membranous septum revisited: A glimpse of our anatomical past2021
Professor Bob Anderson
The specialized atrioventricular ring tissues participate in the circuit of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Three-dimensional visualization of the bovine cardiac conduction system and surrounding structures compared to the arrangements in the human heart2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Three-dimensional volumetric measurement of the aortic root compared to standard two-dimensional measurements using cardiac computed tomography2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection and Aortopulmonary Window: Successful Management of a Rare Association2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding the Aortic Root Using Computed Tomographic Assessment: A Potential Pathway to Improved Customized Surgical Repair2021
Professor Bob Anderson
Whither heterotaxy?2021
Professor Bob Anderson
3D anatomy of the developing heart: Understanding ventricular septation2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomically correct assessment of the orientation of the cardiomyocytes using diffusion tensor imaging2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Commentary: What makes the morphologically left ventricle double chambered?2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Commentary: Why do some patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome have endocardial fibroelastosis?2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Coronary Arterial Abnormalities in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Pathologic Characteristics of Archived Specimens2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Fifth arch arteries: Why do developmental biologists encounter them so infrequently?2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Living Anatomy of the Ventricular Myocardial Crescents Supporting the Coronary Aortic Sinuses2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Pathologic Characteristics of 119 Archived Specimens Showing the Phenotypic Features of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Pictures are worth thousands of words2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Re-evaluation of the structure of the atrioventricular node and its connections with the atrium2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgical Management of Aorto-Ventricular Tunnel. A Multicenter Study2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Systolic excursion of the leaflets of the truncal valve: An unusual mechanism for pulmonary stenosis in common arterial trunk2020
Professor Bob Anderson
The ox atrioventricular conduction axis compared to human in relation to the original investigation of sunao tawara2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Transposition With Unobstructed Right Aortic Arch and Bicuspid Aortic Valve2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Variable Arrangement of the Atrioventricular Conduction Axis Within the Triangle of Koch: Implications for Permanent His Bundle Pacing2020
Professor Bob Anderson
Visualization and quantification of the atrioventricular conduction axis in hearts with ventricular septal defect using phase contrast computed tomography2020
Professor Bob Anderson
A new low-cost method of virtual cardiac dissection of computed tomographic datasets2019
Professor Bob Anderson
A Unique Case of Middle Aorta Syndrome With a “Corkscrew” Descending Aorta2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Airway Compression by a Right Aortic Arch in the Absence of a Vascular Ring2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Arthur Stanley Kent and accessory muscular atrioventricular connections2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Assessing the criteria for definition of perimembranous ventricular septal defects in light of the search for consensus2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Double whammy: A case of bilateral bicuspid arterial valves in transposition, with a review of the literature2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Functionally univentricular heart with systemic venous anomalies: surgical palliation and pulmonary arterial reconstruction with a roll of left atrial appendage2019
Professor Bob Anderson
How are the cardiomyocytes aggregated together within the walls of the left ventricular cone?2019
Professor Bob Anderson
How best to describe the coronary arteries?2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Insights from examination of hearts from adults dying suddenly to the understanding of congenital cardiac malformations2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Nomenclature of the components of the aortic root2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Recognition of the Specialised Conducting Tissues2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Remodeling of the Embryonic Interventricular Communication in Regard to the Description and Classification of Ventricular Septal Defects2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Resolving the natural myocardial remodelling brought upon by cardiac contraction; a porcine ex-vivo cardiovascular magnetic resonance study of the left and right ventricle2019
Professor Bob Anderson
The black swan: Unique coronary arterial anatomy observed in a patient with transposition2019
Professor Bob Anderson
The cavotricuspid isthmus in the setting of real cardiac anatomy2019
Professor Bob Anderson
The python aortic arch2019
Professor Bob Anderson
The rationale for isolation of the left atrial pulmonary venous component to control atrial fibrillation: A review article2019
Professor Bob Anderson
The rotational position of the aortic root related to its underlying ventricular support2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Unusual variants of pre‐excitation: From anatomy to ablation: Part III—Clinical presentation, electrophysiologic characteristics, when and how to ablate nodoventricular, nodofascicular, fasciculoventricular pathways, along with considerations of permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Virtual Reality Perhaps, but Is this Real Cardiac Anatomy?2019
Professor Bob Anderson
What is the real cardiac anatomy?2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Why do we break one of the first rules of anatomy when describing the components of the heart?2019
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomy of the Functionally Univentricular Heart2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Aortic morphology in the setting of the bicuspid aortic valve2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Aorto-right ventricular tunnel in transposition of the great arteries2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Are we allowing impact factor to have too much impact: The need to reassess the process of academic advancement in pediatric cardiology?2018
Emily Dookun
Dr Anna Walaszczyk
Dr Rachael Redgrave
Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
Oliver Yausep
et al.
Cardiomyocyte Senescence accumulates following Myocardial Infarction and Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury.2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the doubly committed and juxta-arterial ventricular septal defect2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Classification of Ventricular Septal Defects for the Eleventh Iteration of the International Classification of Diseases - Striving for Consensus: A Report From the International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Comment on “The Memory of the Heart”, J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. 2018, 5, 552018
Professor Bob Anderson
Demonstration of living anatomy clarifies the morphology of interatrial communications2018
Dr Rachel Richardson
Dr Lorraine Eley
Charlotte Donald-Wilson
Natasha Curley
Dr Ahlam Alqahtani
et al.
Development and maturation of the fibrous components of the arterial roots in the mouse heart2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Die antagonistische Funktion des Herzmuskels unterstützt die Autoregulation nach Frank-Starling: Teil I: Struktur und Funktion des Herzmuskels [The antagonistic function of the heart muscle sustains the autoregulation according to Frank and Starling: Part I: Structure and function of heart muscle.]2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Double-chambered left ventricle in a patient with chest pain2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Ebstein's or Prescher's Anomaly?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Evolution of the vertebrate heart2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Francis Fontan 1929-20182018
Professor Bob Anderson
Francis Fontan: an appreciation2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Giant Right Atrial Aneurysm: Antenatal Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment2018
Professor Bob Anderson
High-Resolution Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography to Identify the Cardiac Conduction System in Congenitally Malformed Hearts: Valuable Insight From a Hospital Archive2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Is isomerism a risk factor for intestinal volvulus?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Letter by Loomba et al Regarding Article, “Disharmonious patterns of heterotaxy and isomerism: How often are the classic patterns breached?”2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Living anatomy of the pulmonary root2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Reappraisal and new observations on atrial tachycardia ablated from the non-coronary aortic sinus of Valsalva2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Reappraisal and new observations on atrial tachycardia ablated from the non-coronary aortic sinus of Valsalva: Authors' reply2018
Professor Bob Anderson
The clinical anatomy of the aortic root2018
Professor Bob Anderson
The E3 ubiquitin ligase SMURF1 regulates cell-fate specification and outflow tract septation during mammalian heart development2018
Professor Bob Anderson
The incorrect notion of the 'unique myocardial band'2018
Professor Bob Anderson
The Trileaflet Mitral Valve2018
Professor Bob Anderson
To the Editor— The anatomy of para-Hisian arrhythmias2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Totally anomalous systemic venous connection: where is the coronary sinus?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Two Rare Vascular Rings With Ductal Origin of the Left Pulmonary Artery: A Previously Unrecognized Syndrome?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Variations in rotation of the aortic root and membranous septum with implications for transcatheter valve implantation2018
Professor Bob Anderson
What are "Purkinje" cells? And do they have a role in the genesis of atrial fibrillation?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
What is the clinical significance of ventricular mural antagonism?2018
Professor Bob Anderson
Arterial switch operation in patients with transposition and a left-sided aorta2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Fontan Patients With and Without Isomerism (Heterotaxy) as Compared to Patients With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Subjects With Structurally Normal Hearts2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Changes in overall ventricular myocardial architecture in the setting of a porcine animal model of right ventricular dilation2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the anatomy and physiology of totally anomalous systemic venous connection2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Comment on “Thoroughness” of Literature Cited by Lugones et al and Overman2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Correlating the morphological features of tetralogy of Fallot and the Eisenmenger malformation2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Development and maintenance of the arterial valves2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Development of the atrial septum in relation to postnatal anatomy and interatrial communications2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Developmental considerations with regard to so-called absence of the leaflets of the arterial valves2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Discordant ventriculo-arterial connections, or “transposition”, are not necessarily an essential part of isomerism2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Diversity and Determinants of the Three-dimensional Anatomical Axis of the Heart as Revealed Using Multidetector-row Computed Tomography2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Double-outlet right ventricle revisited2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Factors influencing bacteraemia in patients with isomerism and CHD: the effects of functional splenic status and antibiotic prophylaxis2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Fibrous skeleton of the heart: Anatomic overview and evaluation of pathologic conditions with CT and MR imaging2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Fifth Aortic Arch: Emperor's New Clothes?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Fifth arch artery – a case of mistaken identity?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
High resolution 3-Dimensional imaging of the human cardiac conduction system from microanatomy to mathematical modeling2017
Professor Bob Anderson
How badly do we need instruction in paediatric cardiac anatomy?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
How best to describe the episcopal miter?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
How should we diagnose and differentiate hearts with double-outlet right ventricle?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
How Should We Diagnose Persistence of the Artery of the Fifth Pharyngeal Arch?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Identification of a hybrid myocardial zone in the mammalian heart after birth2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Isomerism in the setting of the so-called 'heterotaxy': The usefulness of computed tomographic analysis2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Key Questions Relating to Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy: Is the Emperor Still Wearing Any Clothes?2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Nomenclature for congenital and paediatric cardiac disease: The International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code (IPCCC) and the Eleventh Iteration of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)2017
Dr Ahlam Alqahtani
Dr Rachel Richardson
Dr John O'Sullivan
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
et al.
Re-evaluation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome from a developmental and morphological perspective2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Segregating bodily isomerism or heterotaxy: potential echocardiographic correlations of morphological findings2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Sequential segmental analysis of the crocodilian heart2017
Professor Bob Anderson
The association between wedging of the aorta and cardiac structural anatomy as revealed using multidetector-row computed tomography2017
Professor Bob Anderson
The differences between bisecting and off-center cuts of the aortic root: The three-dimensional anatomy of the aortic root reconstructed from the living heart2017
Professor Bob Anderson
The independence of the infundibular building blocks in the setting of double-outlet right ventricle2017
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding the morphogenesis of the left-sided arterial duct in the setting of a right-sided aortic arch2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding the spectrum of sinus venosus interatrial communications2017
Professor Bob Anderson
Acute heart failure with cardiomyocyte atrophy induced in adult mice by ablation of cardiac myosin light chain kinase2016
Professor Bob Anderson
An Unusual Type of Totally Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection to the Superior Cavoatrial Junction2016
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
Anomalous origin of the left pulmonary artery from the internal carotid artery2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Arrhythmias in Adult Congenital Patients With Bodily Isomerism2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Assessment of the anatomical variation to be found in the normal tricuspid valve2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Atresia of the common pulmonary vein: the importance of phenotypic recognition2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Characteristics of Hospitalizations for the Glenn Procedure in Those With Isomerism Compared to Those Without2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Chronic Arrhythmias in the Setting of Heterotaxy: Differences between Right and Left Isomerism2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the anatomy of hearts with concordant ventriculo-arterial connections but abnormally related arterial trunks2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the anatomy of the fifth arch artery2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Defining the enigmatic annulus of the aortic valve2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Determining bronchial morphology for the purposes of segregating so-called heterotaxy2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Deborah Henderson
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Development and maldevelopment of the ventricular outflow tracts2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Development of the atrial septum2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Fetal Diagnosis of Abnormal Origin of the Left Pulmonary Artery2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Heart Failure Induced by Perinatal Ablation of Cardiac Myosin Light Chain Kinase2016
Professor Bob Anderson
HIRA Is Required for Heart Development and Directly Regulates Tnni2 and Tnnt32016
Professor Bob Anderson
How Can We Best Describe the Cardiac Components?2016
Professor Bob Anderson
How many leaflets in the mitral valve?2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Inferior and right-sided juxtaposition of the left atrial appendage with an unexpected type of inter-atrial communication2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Insights from echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and microcomputed tomography relative to the mid-myocardial left ventricular echogenic zone2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Insights regarding the normal and abnormal formation of the atrial and ventricular septal structures2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Left Isomerism of the Atrial Appendages With Sinus Venosus Defect and Anomalous Systemic Venous Drainage2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Manifestations of bodily isomerism2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Pneumatic Distension of Ventricular Mural Architecture Validated Histologically2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Polysplenia or Left Isomerism?2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Rotation of the ventricular outflow tracts2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Surgery for doubly committed ventricular septal defects2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Taut and click: an unusual left ventricular false tendon2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The angulation of the septal structures impacts ventricular imbalance in atrioventricular septal defects with a common atrioventricular junction2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The comparative relationships between locations of the papillary muscles and electrophysiologic QRS axis in patients with atrioventricular septal defect and common as opposed to separate orifices in the valve guarding the common atrioventricular junction2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The Concept of the Arch Window in the Spiral Switch of the Great Arteries2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The Eisenmenger malformation: a morphologic study2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The functional architecture of skeletal compared to cardiac musculature: Myocyte orientation, lamellar unit morphology, and the helical ventricular myocardial band2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The morphology of the coronary sinus in patients with congenitally corrected transposition: implications for cardiac catheterisation and re-synchronisation therapy2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The myocardial architecture changes in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn in an ovine animal model2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The naming game: A discrepancy among the medical community2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The relationship between the positions of the left ventricular papillary muscles and the direction of the QRS axis2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Tual-Chalot
Dr Rachael Redgrave
Rebecca Dodds
Dr Andrew Owens
et al.
The role of cardiomyocyte senescence and regeneration in Ageing2016
Professor Bob Anderson
The Significance of the Interleaflet Triangles in Determining the Morphology of Congenitally Abnormal Aortic Valves: Implications for Noninvasive Imaging and Surgical Management2016
Professor Bob Anderson
Wilhelm His Junior and his bundle2016
Professor Bob Anderson
A critical role for the chromatin remodeller CHD7 in anterior mesoderm during cardiovascular development2015
Professor Bob Anderson
A tachycardia using a decrementally conducting concealed accessory pathway between the superior caval vein-right atrial junction and the right ventricle2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Mark Jarvis
Assessment of the Helical Ventricular Myocardial Band Using Standard Echocardiography2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Channels between the ventricles: Geometry and geography are both important2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the atrioventricular junctional anatomy in the setting of double outlet right atrium2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the morphology of the ostium primum defect2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Cor triatriatum or divided atriums: which approach provides the better understanding?2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Crossed pulmonary arteries with hypoplasia of the transverse aortic arch2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Effects of incremental beta-blocker dosing on myocardial mechanics of the human left ventricle: MRI 3D-tagging insight into pharmacodynamics supports theory of inner antagonism2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Fetal cardiology comes of age2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Bob Anderson
Holes and channels between the ventricles revisited2015
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
How frequent is the fifth arch artery?2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Isomerism or heterotaxy: which term leads to better understanding?2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Letter to the editor regarding "Situs inversus with levocardia, infrahepatic interruption of the inferior vena cava, and azygos continuation: a case report"2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Lost treasures: a plea for the systematic preservation of cadaveric heart specimens through three-dimensional digital imaging2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Molecular Pathways and Animal Models of Atrial Septal Defect2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Mouse Model of Human Congenital Heart Disease Progressive Atrioventricular Block Induced by a Heterozygous Nkx2-5 Homeodomain Missense Mutation2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Neonatal Repair of Common Arterial Trunk With Intact Ventricular Septum2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum with transposed arterial trunks2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Reply the Editor-A tachycardia using a decrementally conducting concealed accessory pathway between the superior caval vein-right atrial junction and the right ventricle2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Re-Setting the Gold Standard2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Revisiting the Anatomy of the Living Heart2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Seek and ye shall find2015
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Bob Anderson
The anatomy and development of normal and abnormal coronary arteries2015
Professor Bob Anderson
The Hole Between the Ventricles in the Setting of Common Arterial Trunk2015
Professor Bob Anderson
The Importance of Being Isomeric2015
Professor Bob Anderson
The problems that exist when considering the anatomic variability between the channels that permit interventricular shunting2015
Professor Bob Anderson
The significance of aortic overriding and pulmonary stenosis in tetralogy of Fallot Reply2015
Professor Bob Anderson
The time has come to describe cardiac structures as seen during life, and not as perceived in the autopsy room2015
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding Ebstein's malformation2015
Professor Bob Anderson
What is aortic overriding?2015
Professor Bob Anderson
A Mouse Model of Human Congenital Heart Disease: High Incidence of Diverse Cardiac Anomalies and Ventricular Noncompaction Produced by Heterozygous Nkx2-5 Homeodomain Missense Mutation2014
Professor Bob Anderson
An unusual case of a congenital aorto-left atrial tunnel2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomically Corrected Malposition Or Double Outlet Right Ventricle?2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Atrioventricular septal defect with an imperforate right-sided component of the common atrioventricular valve: anatomic and embryologic considerations2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Divided Left Atrium—or Triatrial Heart?2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Doubly Committed and Juxtaarterial Ventricular Septal Defect: Outcomes of the Aortic and Pulmonary Valves2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Dual atrioventricular nodes2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Exercises in anatomy: holes between the ventricles2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Exercises in anatomy: tetralogy of Fallot2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Exercises in anatomy: the normal heart2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Isolation of the pulmonary veins2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Linking left ventricular function and mural architecture: what does the clinician need to know?2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Nicola Brown
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Professor Deborah Henderson
et al.
Myths and Realities Relating to Development of the Arterial Valves2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Simon Bamforth
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Professor Deborah Henderson
Normal and abnormal development of the heart2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Normal cardiac anatomy2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Tbx1 Coordinates Addition of Posterior Second Heart Field Progenitor Cells to the Arterial and Venous Poles of the Heart2014
Professor Bob Anderson
The anatomy and development of the cardiac valves2014
Professor Bob Anderson
The Development of Septation in the Four-Chambered Heart2014
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
The Right Subclavian Artery Arising as the First Branch of a Left-Sided Aortic Arch2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Truth relative to aortic overriding2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Unravelling the mysteries surrounding development of the outflow tracts2014
Professor Bob Anderson
Ventricular septal defect2014
Professor Bob Anderson
A 3-Center Comparison of 1-Year Mortality Outcomes Between Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement on the Basis of Propensity Score Matching Among Intermediate-Risk Surgical Patients2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Anatomically Corrected Malposition and Double Outlet Ventricle2013
Dr Simon Bamforth
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarification of the identity of the mammalian fifth pharyngeal arch artery2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the Surgical Morphology of Inlet Ventricular Septal Defects2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Common Arterial Trunk With Restrictive Ventricular Septal Defect2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Defects in the Oval Fossa: Morphologic Variations and Impact on Transcatheter Closure2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Describing the Cardiac Components-Attitudinally Appropriate Nomenclature2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Double-chambered right ventricle: a review2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Insights from Cardiac Development Relevant to Congenital Defects and Adult Clinical Anatomy2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Methodological Review of Ventricular Anatomy-the Basis for Understanding Congenital Cardiac Malformations2013
Dr Helen Phillips
Pavithra Mahendran
Dr Esha Singh
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Bill Chaudhry
et al.
Neural crest cells are required for correct positioning of the developing outflow cushions and pattern the arterial valve leaflets2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Spiral ventricular septation2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Tetralogy of Fallot: nosological, morphological, and morphogenetic considerations2013
Professor Bob Anderson
The Anatomy of the Conduction System: Implications for the Clinical Cardiologist2013
Professor Bob Anderson
The sinus node, isomerism, and heterotaxy2013
Professor Bob Anderson
The three-dimensional geometric relationship between the mitral valvar annulus and the coronary arteries as seen from the perspective of the cardiac surgeon using cardiac computed tomography2013
Professor Bob Anderson
Aortopulmonary Window With the Absence of Left Pulmonary Artery2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Can We Better Understand the Known Variations in Coronary Arterial Anatomy?2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Demolishing the Tower of Babel2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Factors other than genotype account largely for the phenotypic variation of the pulmonary valve in Syrian hamsters2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Genetically alike Syrian hamsters display both bifoliate and trifoliate aortic valves2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Heterotaxy and isomerism2012
Professor Bob Anderson
How are the Leaflets of the Tricuspid Valve Anchored at the Right Atrioventricular Junction?2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Management of Pulmonary Arterial Supply Dependent on a Coronary Arterial Fistula in a Patient With Tetralogy of Fallot With Pulmonary Atresia2012
Professor Bob Anderson
New conduction abnormalities after TAVI-frequency and causes2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Dr Simon Bamforth
Dr Darren Hoyland
Dr Helen Phillips
et al.
Normal and abnormal development of the intrapericardial arterial trunks in humans and mice2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Rationalising the nomenclature of common arterial trunk2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Recent Developmental Findings Relevant to the Clinical Significance of the Myocardial Venous Sleeves2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Three-dimensional and molecular analysis of the arterial pole of the developing human heart2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Totally Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection Draining Through an Intrapulmonary Vertical Vein2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Understanding coronary arterial anatomy in the congenitally malformed heart2012
Professor Bob Anderson
Clarifying the Natural History of the Doubly Committed Ventricular Septal Defect2011
Deepthi Devalla
Professor Bob Anderson
Molecular Analysis of Patterning of Conduction Tissues in the Developing Human Heart2011
Professor Bob Anderson
Population-based evaluation of a suggested anatomic and clinical classification of congenital heart defects based on the International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code2011
Professor Bob Anderson
What is a ventricle?2011
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Development of the outflow tracts with reference to aortopulmonary windows and aortoventricular tunnels2010
Professor Bob Anderson
The current surgical perspective to repair of atrioventricular septal defect with common atrioventricular junction2010
Dr Andrew Robson
Kathleen Allinson
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Helen Arthur
et al.
The TGF beta Type II Receptor Plays a Critical Role in the Endothelial Cells During Cardiac Development2010
Dr Victoria Hildreth
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Autonomic Innervation of the Developing Heart: Origins and Function2009
Dr Victoria Hildreth
Stephen Webb
Dr Bill Chaudhry
Dr Jonathan Peat
Dr Helen Phillips
et al.
Left cardiac isomerism in the Sonic hedgehog null mouse2009
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Bob Anderson
The Development and Structure of the Ventricles in the Human Heart2009
Professor Deborah Henderson
Professor Bob Anderson
The development and structure of the ventricles in the human heart2009
Dr Victoria Hildreth
Lucy Bradshaw
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Cells migrating from the neural crest contribute to the innervation of the venous pole of the heart2008
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Lessons learnt with regard to aortopulmonary window2008
Dr Helen Phillips
Dr Hong Jun Rhee
Dr Victoria Hildreth
Dr Jonathan Peat
Professor Bob Anderson
et al.
Disruption of planar cell polarity signaling results in congenital heart defects and cardiomyopathy attributable to early cardiomyocyte disorganization2007
Professor Bob Anderson
Dr Ian Forrest
Professor Christopher Ward
Dr Gavin Johnson
Dr James Lordan
et al.
The pulmonary innate immune response to pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in human lung transplant recipients2005
Dr Simon Bamforth
Professor Bob Anderson
Cited2 controls left-right patterning and heart development through a Nodal-Pitx2c pathway2004
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Programmed Cell Death during Mouse Cardiac Septation2004
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Deborah Henderson
Spatio-temporal analysis of programmed cell death during mouse cardiac septation2004
Professor Deborah Henderson
Samantha Conway
Professor Bob Anderson
Cardiovascular Defects Associated With Abnormalities in Midline Development in the Loop-tail Mouse Mutant2001
Christine Harle
Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Phillip Snashall
Smoking behaviour in normal volunteers2001