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Nudging the acceptance of insects-fed farmed fish among mature consumers

Lookup NU author(s): Dr Luca Panzone



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© 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. The increased demand for aquaculture products is raising concerns over the impact it has on the environment. Fish-based feed contributes to the unsustainability of aquaculture, as it puts pressure on the current stock of wild fish. Insect-based feed is widely considered a viable replacement for fish-based feed, due to its positive impact on fish nutrition, and its ability to make the system more circular. However, consumer acceptance might be limited, particularly mature consumers, who are typically more reluctant to accept novel foods. Using a Structural Equation Model, this article investigates how information and priming influence the acceptability of insect-farmed fish among Italian consumers aged 55 and over. We show that informing or priming consumers with images of the environment and nature can change consumers’ beliefs about alternative feeds, favoring in turn their attitude toward insect-farmed fish and their consumption intentions. Our findings indicate that behavioral interventions can facilitate the acceptance of novel foods, therefore supporting the development of a more sustainable aquaculture system.

Publication metadata

Author(s): Baldi L, Trentinaglia MT, Peri M, Panzone L

Publication type: Article

Publication status: Published

Journal: Aquaculture Economics and Management

Year: 2024

Volume: 28

Issue: 2

Pages: 308-339

Online publication date: 17/10/2023

Acceptance date: 02/04/2018

Date deposited: 08/11/2023

ISSN (print): 1365-7305

ISSN (electronic): 1551-8663

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd


DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2023.2265875


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Funder referenceFunder name
BB/S014195/1Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Scottish government
