Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| RKDG2 shallow-water solver on non-uniform grids with local time steps: Application to 1D and 2D hydrodynamics | 2015 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| Dynamically adaptive grid based discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model | 2012 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| Influence of Total-Variation-Diminishing Slope Limiting on Local Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions of the Shallow Water Equations | 2012 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| Locally limited and fully conserved RKDG2 shallow water solutions with wetting and drying | 2012 |
Yueling Wang Professor Qiuhua Liang Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Jim Hall
| A 2D shallow flow model for practical dam-break simulations | 2011 |
Nor Alias Professor Qiuhua Liang Dr Georges Kesserwani
| A Godunov-Type Scheme for Modelling 1D Channel Flow with Varying Width and Bed Topography | 2011 |
Dr Yanyan Wang Professor Qiuhua Liang Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Jim Hall
| A positivity-preserving zero-inertia model for flood simulation | 2011 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| A conservative high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations with arbitrary topography | 2010 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| A discontinuous Galerkin algorithm for the two-dimensional shallow water equations | 2010 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Job Vazquez Professor Qiuhua Liang
| New approach for predicting flow bifurcation at right-angled open-channel junction | 2010 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang
| Well-balanced RKDG2 solutions to the shallow water equations over irregular domains with wetting and drying | 2010 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani Professor Qiuhua Liang Job Vazquez
| Well-balancing issues related to the RKDG2 scheme for the shallow water equations | 2010 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| A confrontation of 1D and 2D RKDG numerical simulation of transitional flow at open channel junction | 2009 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| A practical implementation of high-order RKDG models for the 1D open-channel flow equations | 2009 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| An improvement of classical slope limiters for high-order discontinuous Galerkin method | 2009 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Simulation of supercritical flow in crossroads: Confrontation of a 2D and 3D numerical approaches to experimental results | 2009 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Application of a second order Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the shallow water equations with source terms | 2008 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| One-dimensional simulation of supercritical flow at a confluence by means of a nonlinear junction model applied with the RKDG2 method | 2008 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Riemann Solvers with Runge–Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for the 1D Shallow Water Equations | 2008 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Simulation of subcritical flow at open-channel junction | 2008 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Simulation bidimensionnelle de l'écoulement à surface libre à travers les jonctions | 2007 |
Dr Georges Kesserwani
| Simulation unidimensionnelle de l'écoulement à surface libre avec un schéma numérique TVD en discrétisation implicite et explicite | 2007 |