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Browsing publications by Professor Federico Santangelo.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Federico Santangelo
180 BCE: Mass Deportation and the Order of Roman Italy2024
Professor Federico Santangelo
Italy in a Global Context: 270-49 BCE2024
Professor Federico Santangelo
«Non-Political Classes» between Republic and Principate: Historiography and History2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi2023
Dr Katie East
Professor Federico Santangelo
Ancient Gods and Enlightenment Theories of Idolatry: John Toland's Third Letter to Serena2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Beyond Conservatism: Charting Roman Religion between Hannibal and Scipio Nasica2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Caesarism in Ancient Rome?2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Inconspicuous Yet Significant? The Aedileship in the Last Generation of the Roman Republic2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Introduction. Whence and Whither?2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Revelation and Roman Augury2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
Xinyue, Bobby (2022). Politics & Divinization in Augustan Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press2023
Professor Federico Santangelo
An Avenger in Pliny (NH 2.241 and 35.14)2022
Professor Federico Santangelo
Jens Petersen, Marcel Proust und Tacitus, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston 2021 [Book review]2022
Professor Federico Santangelo
La religione dei Romani2022
Professor Federico Santangelo
Napoleon and Ancient Rome: the Models of the Republic and the Empire 1779-18152022
Professor Federico Santangelo
Posidonius in Context2022
Professor Federico Santangelo
Silla : Il tiranno riformatore2022
Professor Federico Santangelo
Between Caesarism and Cosmopolitanism: Julius Caesar as an Historical Problem in Gramsci2021
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Crisis of the Roman Republic. Archaeology of a Concept2021
Professor Federico Santangelo
Municipal Men in the Age of the Civil Wars2019
Professor Federico Santangelo
Plutarch and the Late Republican Civil Wars2019
Professor Federico Santangelo
Prodigies in the Early Principate?2019
Professor Federico Santangelo
The political Oratory of Enoch Powell/L'oratoria politica di Enoch Powell2019
Professor Federico Santangelo
Augusto in Plutarco2018
Professor Federico Santangelo
La marcia su Roma dell’88 a.C.2018
Professor Federico Santangelo
Quaestoru in the Post-Sullan Senate2018
Professor Federico Santangelo
Theophanes of Mytilene, Cicero, and Pompey’s inner circle2018
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Social War2017
Professor Federico Santangelo
Approaching the Roman Revolution: Papers on Republican History. Ronald Syme2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Caesar's Aims in Northeast Italy2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Enduring Arguments: Priestly Expertise in the Early Principate2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Le élites locali e il centro del potere nell’Italia dei Flavi2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Performing Passions, Negotiating Survival: Italian Cities in the Late Republican Civil Wars2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Ruin or Renewal? Places and the Transformation of Memory in the City of Rome2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Statue of Marsyas2016
Professor Federico Santangelo
Iustitia e bellum. Prospettive storiografiche sulla guerra nella Repubblica romana by N. Rampazzo [Book review]2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
Andreas Alfoeldi in the Twenty-First Century2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
Saturnia regna revisited2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
Teofane di Mitilene. Testimonianze e frammenti2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
Testing boundaries: divination and prophecy in Lucan2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Priests of the emperors. The civic imperial cult in the roman province of Asia2015
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Triumph of Caesarism : An unfinished book by Ronald Syme2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
«Voler capire tutto». Appunti sullo stile di Sebastiano Timpanaro2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
Città e territorio : la Liguria e il mondo antico : atti del IV Incontro internazionale di storia antica, Genova, 19-20 febbraio 2009 [City and territory: Liguria and the ancient world. Proceedings of the 4(th) International Meeting of Ancient History, Genoa, 19-20 February 2009. Book review]2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
I feziali fra rituale, diplomazia e tradizioni inventate2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
Sempre poco allineati: il decennio dopo Silla2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Emergence of the Nobility: Studies on the social and political History of the Roman Republic in the 4th Century. v. Chr., 22014
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Politics of the 70s B.C.: a Story of Realignments?2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome2014
Professor Federico Santangelo
Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic2013
Professor Federico Santangelo
Priestly Auctoritas in the Roman Republic2013
Professor Federico Santangelo
Authoritative Forgeries: Late Republican History Re-told in pseudo-Sallust2012
Professor Federico Santangelo
Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World2012
Professor Federico Santangelo
From Pompeii to Ameria: Patrimonies and Institutions in the Age of Sulla2012
Professor Federico Santangelo
Law and Divination in the Late Roman Republic2012
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Years 52-50 B.C.2012
Professor Federico Santangelo
Imagines Italicae: A Corpus of Italic Inscriptions2011
Professor Federico Santangelo
Professor Federico Santangelo
Pontiffs and pax deorum2011
Professor Federico Santangelo
Priests and State in the Roman World2011
Professor Federico Santangelo
Whose sacrilege? A note on sal. 5.142011
Professor Federico Santangelo
Always I am Caesar2010
Professor Federico Santangelo
New Citizens from Gades: A note on Cicero, Balb. 502010
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Importance of Talking to the Emperor: Italo Calvino's Nerone e Berta2010
Professor Federico Santangelo
The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy2010
Professor Federico Santangelo
What did the Cloatii do for Gytheum? A Note on Syll.3 7482009
Professor Federico Santangelo
With or Without You: Some Late Hellenistic Narratives of Contemporary History2009
Professor Federico Santangelo
'Cicero and Marius'2008
Professor Federico Santangelo
La colonizzazione sillana2008
Professor Federico Santangelo
Le Quotidien d’une cité exceptionnelle : élites et évergétisme dans la Carthage romaine2008
Professor Federico Santangelo
The fetials and their ius2008
Professor Federico Santangelo
A Survey of Recent Scholarship on the Age of the Gracchi (1985-2005)2007
Professor Federico Santangelo
Prediction and Divination in Diodorus2007
Professor Federico Santangelo
Sulla, the Elites and the Empire. A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East2007
Professor Federico Santangelo
Sulla and the Senate: a Reconsideration2006