Professor Federico Santangelo
| 180 BCE: Mass Deportation and the Order of Roman Italy | 2024 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Italy in a Global Context: 270-49 BCE | 2024 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| «Non-Political Classes» between Republic and Principate: Historiography and History | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi | 2023 |
Dr Katie East Professor Federico Santangelo
| Ancient Gods and Enlightenment Theories of Idolatry: John Toland's Third Letter to Serena | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Beyond Conservatism: Charting Roman Religion between Hannibal and Scipio Nasica | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Caesarism in Ancient Rome? | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Inconspicuous Yet Significant? The Aedileship in the Last Generation of the Roman Republic | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Introduction. Whence and Whither? | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Revelation and Roman Augury | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Xinyue, Bobby (2022). Politics & Divinization in Augustan Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press | 2023 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| An Avenger in Pliny (NH 2.241 and 35.14) | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Jens Petersen, Marcel Proust und Tacitus, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston 2021 [Book review] | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| La religione dei Romani | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Napoleon and Ancient Rome: the Models of the Republic and the Empire 1779-1815 | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Posidonius in Context | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Silla : Il tiranno riformatore | 2022 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Between Caesarism and Cosmopolitanism: Julius Caesar as an Historical Problem in Gramsci | 2021 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Crisis of the Roman Republic. Archaeology of a Concept | 2021 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Municipal Men in the Age of the Civil Wars | 2019 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Plutarch and the Late Republican Civil Wars | 2019 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Prodigies in the Early Principate? | 2019 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The political Oratory of Enoch Powell/L'oratoria politica di Enoch Powell | 2019 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Augusto in Plutarco | 2018 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| La marcia su Roma dell’88 a.C. | 2018 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Quaestoru in the Post-Sullan Senate | 2018 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Theophanes of Mytilene, Cicero, and Pompey’s inner circle | 2018 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Social War | 2017 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Approaching the Roman Revolution: Papers on Republican History. Ronald Syme | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Caesar's Aims in Northeast Italy | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Enduring Arguments: Priestly Expertise in the Early Principate | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Le élites locali e il centro del potere nell’Italia dei Flavi | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Performing Passions, Negotiating Survival: Italian Cities in the Late Republican Civil Wars | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Ruin or Renewal? Places and the Transformation of Memory in the City of Rome | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Statue of Marsyas | 2016 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Iustitia e bellum. Prospettive storiografiche sulla guerra nella Repubblica romana by N. Rampazzo [Book review] | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Andreas Alfoeldi in the Twenty-First Century | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Saturnia regna revisited | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Teofane di Mitilene. Testimonianze e frammenti | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Testing boundaries: divination and prophecy in Lucan | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Priests of the emperors. The civic imperial cult in the roman province of Asia | 2015 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Triumph of Caesarism : An unfinished book by Ronald Syme | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| «Voler capire tutto». Appunti sullo stile di Sebastiano Timpanaro | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Città e territorio : la Liguria e il mondo antico : atti del IV Incontro internazionale di storia antica, Genova, 19-20 febbraio 2009 [City and territory: Liguria and the ancient world. Proceedings of the 4(th) International Meeting of Ancient History, Genoa, 19-20 February 2009. Book review] | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| I feziali fra rituale, diplomazia e tradizioni inventate | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Sempre poco allineati: il decennio dopo Silla | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Emergence of the Nobility: Studies on the social and political History of the Roman Republic in the 4th Century. v. Chr., 2 | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Politics of the 70s B.C.: a Story of Realignments? | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome | 2014 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic | 2013 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Priestly Auctoritas in the Roman Republic | 2013 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Authoritative Forgeries: Late Republican History Re-told in pseudo-Sallust | 2012 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World | 2012 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| From Pompeii to Ameria: Patrimonies and Institutions in the Age of Sulla | 2012 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Law and Divination in the Late Roman Republic | 2012 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Years 52-50 B.C. | 2012 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Imagines Italicae: A Corpus of Italic Inscriptions | 2011 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Introduction | 2011 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Pontiffs and pax deorum | 2011 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Priests and State in the Roman World | 2011 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Whose sacrilege? A note on sal. 5.14 | 2011 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Always I am Caesar | 2010 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| New Citizens from Gades: A note on Cicero, Balb. 50 | 2010 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Importance of Talking to the Emperor: Italo Calvino's Nerone e Berta | 2010 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy | 2010 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| What did the Cloatii do for Gytheum? A Note on Syll.3 748 | 2009 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| With or Without You: Some Late Hellenistic Narratives of Contemporary History | 2009 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| 'Cicero and Marius' | 2008 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| La colonizzazione sillana | 2008 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Le Quotidien d’une cité exceptionnelle : élites et évergétisme dans la Carthage romaine | 2008 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| The fetials and their ius | 2008 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| A Survey of Recent Scholarship on the Age of the Gracchi (1985-2005) | 2007 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Prediction and Divination in Diodorus | 2007 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Sulla, the Elites and the Empire. A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East | 2007 |
Professor Federico Santangelo
| Sulla and the Senate: a Reconsideration | 2006 |