Lowell Cabangon Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| The effect of multi-directional seismic loading on the behaviour of tunnels in structured clays | 2023 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| The Influence of Input Motion Scaling Strategies on Nonlinear Ground Response Analyses of Soft Soil Deposits | 2023 |
Professor Mohamed Rouainia Dr Gaetano Elia Dr Stelios Panayides
| Non-linear finite element prediction of the performance of a deep excavation in Boston Blue Clay | 2017 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| Finite Element Modelling of a Deep Excavation in Boston Blue Clay | 2016 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia Dr Sadegh Nadimi
| Blind prediction of the seismic response of tunnels | 2013 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| Blind prediction of the seismic response of tunnels observed in centrifuge experiments | 2013 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Finite element analysis of the stability of artificial slopes reinforced by roots | 2012 |
Professor Mohamed Rouainia Dr Gaetano Elia
| Performance based seismic design of an earth dam in Southern Italy | 2012 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Analysis of tunnel behaviour under seismic loads: the role of soil constitutive assumptions | 2011 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| Finite element modelling of the dynamic behaviour of a sugar silo on a structured clayey soil deposit | 2011 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Fully coupled dynamic analysis of an earth dam | 2011 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Seismic ground response analysis: comparison between numerical simulations and observed array data | 2011 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| Simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a sugar silo founded on a cemented soi | 2011 |
Dr Gaetano Elia Professor Mohamed Rouainia
| 2D Finite element analysis of the seismic response of an earth embankment | 2010 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Analysis of landslide reactivation mechanisms in Daunia clay slopes by means of limit equilibrium and FEM methods | 2010 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Analysis of the stability of slopes reinforced by roots | 2010 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Analysis of the stability of slopes reinforced by roots | 2010 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Parametric study on seismic ground response by finite element modelling | 2010 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| Evaluation of roots mechanical contribution to slope stability by finite element modelling | 2009 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| The at rest earth pressure coefficient prediction using simple elasto-plastic constitutive models | 2009 |
Dr Gaetano Elia
| A short note on the earth pressure and mobilized angle of internal friction in one-dimensional compression of soils | 2008 |