Weichao Shi Professor Mehmet Atlar Lynna Rosli Batuhan Aktas Dr Rosemary Norman et al. | Cavitation observations and noise measurements of horizontal axis tidal turbines with biomimetic blade leading-edge designs | 2016 |
Weichao Shi Lynna Rosli Professor Mehmet Atlar Dr Rosemary Norman Dr Dazheng Wang et al. | Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles | 2016 |
Weichao Shi Professor Mehmet Atlar KC Seo Dr Rosemary Norman Lynna Rosli et al. | Numerical Simulation of a Tidal Turbine Based Hydrofoil with Leading-edge Tubercles | 2016 |
Lynna Rosli Weichao Shi Professor Mehmet Atlar Dr Rosemary Norman
| Cavitation Tunnel Investigation on the Performance, Cavitation, Pressure Pulses and Noise Generation of Marine Current Turbine Hydro-Spinna | 2015 |
Weichao Shi Lynna Rosli Professor Mehmet Atlar Dr Rosemary Norman Professor Dazheng Wang et al. | Hydrodynamic Performance of a Biomimetically Improved Tidal turbine Blade | 2015 |
Lynna Rosli Dr Rosemary Norman Professor Mehmet Atlar
| Computational Investigation using a Simple RANS Model on the Performance of a Novel Marine Turbine: Hydro Spinna | 2014 |