Dr Eleni Goumenaki Ignacio Gonzalez-Fernandez Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes
| Ozone uptake at night more damaging to plants than equivalent day-time flux | 2021 |
Dr Colin Gillespie Daniel Stabler Eva Tallentire Dr Eleni Goumenaki Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes et al. | Exposure to environmentally-relevant levels of ozone negatively effect pollen and fruit development | 2015 |
Ignacio Gonzalez-Fernandez Agnieszka Kaminska Dr Eleni Goumenaki Professor Stephen Quarrie Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes et al. | Establishing ozone flux–response relationships for winter wheat: Analysis of uncertainties based on data for UK and Polish genotypes | 2010 |
Dr Eleni Goumenaki Dr Tahar Taybi Emerita Professor Anne Borland Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes
| Mechanisms underlying the impacts of ozone on photosynthetic performance | 2010 |
Dr Eleni Goumenaki Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes
| Impacts of tropospheric ozone on growth and photosynthesis of lettuce | 2008 |
Dr Eleni Goumenaki Emeritus Professor Jerry Barnes
| Derivation of ozone flux-yield relationships for lettuce: A key horticultural crop | 2007 |