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Browsing publications by Dr Jen Kain.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Jen Kain
Traversing Multiple Sites of Transit: Repatriating Mentally Distressed British Seamen, 1925-19302025
Dr Jen Kain
Why History Matters: Reconsidering eugenics and discrimination in Border Control2025
Dr Jen Kain
Using correspondence between colonial governments and land-stock companies to understand how land grants facilitated colonisation2023
Dr Jen Kain
Medicalising Borders: Selection, Containment and Quarantine since 1800 edited. by Sevasti Trubeta, Christian Promitzer, and Paul Weindling [book review]2022
Dr Jen Kain
Eugenics at the Edge of Empire: New Zealand, Australia, Canada and New Zealand edited by Diane B. Paul, John Stenhouse and Hamish G. Spencer [Book review]2020
Dr Jen Kain
Insanity and Immigration Control in New Zealand and Australia, 1860-19302019
Dr Jen Kain
Standardising Defence Lines: William Perrin Norris, Eugenics and Australian Border Control2018
Dr Jen Kain
Undesirable merchant seamen in transit: Harold Shaw, the Antarctic and the asylum2018
Dr Jen Kain
New Zealand's Empire edited by Katie Pickles and Catharine Coleborne [book review]2017
Dr Jen Kain
The Ne’er-do-well: Representing the Dysfunctional Migrant Mind, New Zealand 1850–19102016
Dr Jen Kain
Health, Medicine and the Sea: Australian Voyages c.1815–1860, by Katherine Foxhall [book review]2014