Dr Francesco Dal Grande Professor Ian Metcalfe
| Comparison Between Anode-Supported and Electrolyte-Supported Ni-CGO-LSCF Micro-tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells | 2014 |
Dr Francesco Dal Grande Dr Alan Thursfield Professor Ian Metcalfe
| Microstructure and Performance Investigation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Highly Asymmetric YSZ Microtubular Electrolytes | 2010 |
Dr Francesco Dal Grande Dr Alan Thursfield Professor Ian Metcalfe
| Corrigendum to “Microstructure and performance of novel Ni anode for hollow fibre solid oxide fuel cells” [Solid State Ionics 180/11-13 (2009) 800-804] | 2009 |
Dr Francesco Dal Grande Dr Alan Thursfield Professor Ian Metcalfe
| Microstructure and performance of novel Ni anode for hollow fibre solid oxide fuel cells | 2008 |
Dr Francesco Dal Grande Dr Alan Thursfield Professor Ian Metcalfe
| Morphological control of electroless plated Ni anodes: Influence on fuel cell performance | 2008 |