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Browsing publications by Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
A little less structuration, a little more action: Examining entrepreneurial agency in two marginal ecosystems2024
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor James Cunningham
Business in the backwaters: how ‘distance from the core’ impacts entrepreneurs’ lived experiences2024
Professor Peter Hopkins
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Hegemonic masculinity: new spaces, practices, and relations2024
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Masculinity, embodiment and identity-work: How do organisational members use their bodies as identity resources to (re) accomplish hegemonic masculinity?2024
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Men at Work: How Are Masculinities Constituted and Performed in Work and Employment Settings?2024
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Andrea Whittle
Professor Frank Mueller
The role of cunning misrepresentations in entrepreneurial impression management2024
Abdullah Al Mamun
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Exploring innovation in challenging contexts: The experiences of ethnic minority restaurant owners during COVID-192023
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Identity-work among Black African male immigrant entrepreneurs residing in Northern English regional contexts: A qualitative examination2023
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor John Wilson
Nathan Meyer-Rothschild’s Reproduction of Business Masculinity in the Portrait A View from the Royal Exchange. A Historical, Bourdieusian and Visual Semiotic Exploration2023
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Daniel Muzio
Learning the rules of the game: How is corporate masculinity learned and enacted by male professionals from nonprivileged backgrounds?2021
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
This Sporting Life: The intersection of hegemonic masculinities, space and emotions among rugby players2020
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Daniel Muzio
Class and masculinity in contemporary management consultancy firms: some practical recommendations.2020
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the ‘gig economy’?2019
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Geoff Payne
A 3-level model of insider ethnography2018
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
An Exploration of the Basis and Implications of My Insider Ethnographic Status (peer-reviewed teaching and research aid for students).2018
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Being and Naughtiness: an account of being an ethnographic-insider studying white, working class gym-users2018
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Gender and Sexuality in Male-Dominated Occupations: Women Working in Construction and Transport by T. Wright [Book review].2018
Dr Harsh Jha
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Stuck at the gates? An analysis of gender, class and ethnicity based distribution of students in university undergraduate professional programs2018
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Experiencing upward mobility: the case of self-employed business men.2017
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Professor Simon Down
Performing entrepreneurial masculinity: an ethnographic account2017
Gabriella Cacciotti
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
A reconceptualization of fear of failure in entrepreneurship2016
Professor Simon Down
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Identity and Entrepreneurship2015
Professor Simon Down
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Identity and Entrepreneurship2014
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Learning not to labour: a micro analysis of consensual male unemployment2014
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Qualitative Upward Mobility, the Mass-Media and 'Posh' Masculinity in Contemporary North-East Britain: A Micro Sociological Case-Study2014
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Building sustainable communities: spatial policy and labour mobility in post-war Britain by M. Raco (Policy Press, Bristol, 2007) [Review]2013
Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu
Working Out Our Melancholy, Muscles and Masculinities [PhD Thesis]2010