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Browsing publications by Professor Mihai Putinar.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Mihai Putinar
Jan Stochel, a stellar mathematician2024
Professor Mihai Putinar
A theory of composites perspective on matrix valued Stieljes functions2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
An Extremal Problem Arising in the Dynamics of Two-Phase Materials That Directly Reveals Information about the Internal Geometry2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
Determining the volume fraction in 2-phase composites and bodies using time varying applied fields2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
Jörg Eschmeier’s Mathematical Work2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
Multivariable Operator Theory : The Jörg Eschmeier Memorial Volume2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
Totally positive kernels, Pólya frequency functions, and their transforms2023
Professor Mihai Putinar
Approximation in the Mean on Rational Curves2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
Hirschman–Widder densities2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
Matrix compression along isogenic blocks2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
Moment-sequence transforms2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
Preservers of totally positive kernels and Pólya frequency functions2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
The Christoffel-Darboux Kernel for Data Analysis2022
Professor Mihai Putinar
Data Analysis from Empirical Moments and the Christoffel Function2021
Professor Mihai Putinar
Moment Estimates of the Cloud of a Planar Measure2021
Professor Mihai Putinar
Perturbations Of Christoffel-Darboux Kernels. I: Detection Of Outliers2021
Professor Mihai Putinar
Spectral analysis of Neumann-Poincare operator2021
Professor Mihai Putinar
Superresolution of principal semi-algebraic sets2021
Dr David Kimsey
Professor Mihai Putinar
The moment problem on curves with bumps2021
Professor Mihai Putinar
A panorama of positivity. II: Fixed dimension2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Complex Symmetric Evolution Equations2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Data-driven spectral analysis of the Koopman operator2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Finite term relations for the exponential orthogonal polynomials2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Mathematical work of Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec and its impact2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Multi-valued weighted composition operators on Fock space2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Schur polynomials and matrix positivity preservers2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Spectral analysis of 2D outlier layout2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
Spectral dissection of finite rank perturbations of normal operators2020
Professor Mihai Putinar
A field-theoretic operator model and Cowen-Douglas class2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
A Panorama of Positivity I: Free-Dimension2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
A panorama of positivity II: Fixed-dimension2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
Analysis of Operators on Function Spaces, The Serguei Shimorin Memorial Volume2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
Identification of an algebraic domain in two dimensions from a finite number of its generalized polarization tensors2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
Positive Functionals and Hessenberg Matrices2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
Positive Integral Kernels for Polar Derivatives2019
Professor Mihai Putinar
Reconstruction of Domains with Algebraic Boundaries from Generalized Polarization Tensors2019
Dr David Kimsey
Professor Mihai Putinar
Complex Orthogonal Polynomials and Numerical Quadrature via Hyponormality2018
Professor Mihai Putinar
Complex symmetric differential operators on Fock space2018
Professor Mihai Putinar
Line bundles defined by the Schwarz function2018
Professor Mihai Putinar
Simultaneous kernels of matrix Hadamard powers2018
Professor Mihai Putinar
Singular values of weighted composition operators and second quantization2018
Professor Mihai Putinar
Comparison with Classical Function Spaces2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Professor Mihai Putinar
Exponential Orthogonal Polynomials2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Finite Central Truncations of Linear Operators2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Finite Section Method in a Space with Two Norms2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Hilbert Space Factorization2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Hyponormal Quantization of Planar Domains2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Professor Mihai Putinar
Mother Bodies2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
Shape reconstruction of nanoparticles from their associated plasmonic resonances2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
System theory and orthogonal multi-wavelets2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
The Essential Spectrum of the Neumann-Poincaré Operator on a Domain with Corners2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
The Exponential Transform2017
Professor Mihai Putinar
A relative Grace Theorem for complex polynomials2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Conditioning moments of singular measures for entropy maximization. II: numerical examples2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Hermitian algebra on generalized lemniscates2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. I2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Matrix positivity preservers in fixed dimension. Sur les transformations positives des matrices d'une dimension donnée.2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Spectral Permanence in a Space with Two-Norms2016
Professor Mihai Putinar
Algebraic-exponential Data Recovery from Moments2015