Dr Rob Dudley Charlotte Aynsworth Dr Urs Mosimann Professor John-Paul Taylor David Smailes et al. | A comparison of visual hallucinations across disorders | 2019 |
Jennie Abbott David Smailes Dr Rob Dudley
| The effect of arousal and eye gaze direction on trust evaluations of stranger's faces: A potential pathway to paranoid thinking | 2018 |
Charlotte Aynsworth Nazik Nemat Daniel Collerton David Smailes Dr Rob Dudley et al. | Reality monitoring performance and the role of visual imagery in visual hallucinations | 2017 |
James Greer David Smailes Professor Mark Freeston Dr Rob Dudley
| Recall of threat material is modulated by self or other referencing in people with high or low levels of non-clinical paranoia | 2016 |