Audrey Macdonald Professor John Allen
| Between visit variability of thermal imaging of feet in people attending podiatric clinics with diabetic neuropathy at high risk of developing foot ulcers | 2019 |
Professor John Allen Dr Bridget Griffiths Audrey Macdonald
| A Multicenter Study of the Validity and Reliability of Responses to Hand Cold Challenge as Measured by Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging and Thermography | 2018 |
Audrey Macdonald Professor John Allen
| Reliability of a novel thermal imaging system for temperature assessment of healthy feet. | 2018 |
Professor John Allen Audrey Macdonald
| A medical thermal imaging device for the prevention of diabetic foot ulceration | 2017 |
Audrey Macdonald Professor John Allen
| Reproducibility of Thermal Images: Some Healthy Examples. | 2017 |
Audrey Macdonald Professor John Allen
| Thermal symmetry of healthy feet: a precursor to a thermal study of diabetic feet prior to skin breakdown | 2017 |