Dr Ellen Silva
| Aerobic exercise combined with transcranial direct current stimulation over the prefrontal cortex in Parkinson’s disease: Effects on cortical activity, gait, and cognition | 2021 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Saccade and Fixation Eye Movements During Walking in People with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury | 2021 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Double obstacles increase gait asymmetry during obstacle crossing in people with Parkinson's disease and healthy older adults: A pilot study | 2020 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Effect of different types of exercises on psychological and cognitive features in people with Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial | 2020 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Levodopa Facilitates Prefrontal Cortex Activation During Dual Task Walking in Parkinson Disease | 2020 |
Dr Ellen Silva Dr Susan Lord Dionne Moat Professor Lynn Rochester
| Auditory Cueing for Gait Impairment in Persons With Parkinson Disease: A Pilot Study of Changes in Response With Disease Progression | 2019 |
Diego Orcioli Da Silva Dr Ellen Silva
| Usual walking and obstacle avoidance are influenced by depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease | 2019 |
Diego Orcioli Da Silva Dr Ellen Silva
| Objective measures of unobstructed walking and obstacle avoidance in Parkinson's disease subtypes | 2018 |
Diego Orcioli Da Silva Dr Ellen Silva
| Variability of crossing phase in older people with Parkinson's disease is dependent of obstacle height | 2018 |
Dr Ellen Silva Diego Orcioli Da Silva
| Continuous use of textured insole improve plantar sensation and stride length of people with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study | 2017 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Effects of disease severity and medication state on postural control asymmetry during challenging postural tasks in individuals with Parkinson’s disease | 2016 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Synchrony of gaze and stepping patterns in people with Parkinson's disease | 2016 |
Rodrigo Vitorio Dr Ellen Silva
| Synchrony of gaze and stepping patterns in people with Parkinson's disease | 2016 |
Diego Orcioli Da Silva Dr Ellen Silva
| Challenging Postural Tasks Increase Asymmetry in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease | 2015 |
Dr Ellen Silva
| Different types of additional somatosensory information do not promote immediate benefits on gait in patients with Parkinson's disease and older adults | 2015 |
Diego Orcioli Da Silva Dr Ellen Silva
| Obstacle Crossing with Dual Tasking is a Danger for Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and for Healthy Older People | 2015 |
Dr Ellen Silva Diego Orcioli Da Silva
| The motor deficits caused by Parkinson's disease are not able to block adjustments for a safe strategy during obstacle crossing | 2015 |