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Browsing publications by Professor Thomas Wagner.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Geoffrey Abbott
Assessing Lignin Decomposition and Soil Organic Carbon Contents Across a Tropical Savannah-Rainforest Boundary in Guyana2021
Thomas Fender
Dr Cees van der Land
Dr Mohamed Rouainia
Dr Sam Graham
Dr Martin Jones
et al.
The Assessment of Organic Matter Young's Modulus Distribution with Depositional Environment and Maturity2020
Mark Zindorf
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Cees van der Land
Deep Sulfate-Methane-Transition and sediment diagenesis in the Gulf of Alaska (IODP Site U1417)2019
Charlotte Spencer-Jones
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Helen Talbot
A record of aerobic methane oxidation in tropical Africa over the last 2.5 Ma2017
Professor Rachel Carr
Aoife Colgan
Professor Thomas Wagner
Changes to Arctic land ice2017
Alison McAnena
Professor Thomas Wagner
Cretaceous sea-surface temperature evolution: Constraints from TEX86 and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes2017
Carol Mahoney
Professor Thomas Wagner
Identifying biogenic silica: Mudrock micro-fabric explored through charge contrast imaging2017
Professor Thomas Wagner
Improved end-member characterisation of modern organic matter pools in the Ohrid Basin (Albania, Macedonia) and evaluation of new palaeoenvironmental proxies2016
Dr Tatiana Goldberg
Professor Simon Poulton
Professor Thomas Wagner
Molybdenum drawdown during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 22016
Professor Thomas Wagner
Suha Aqleh
Repeated enrichment of trace metals and organic carbon on an Eocene high-energy shelf caused by anoxia and reworking2016
Professor Simon Poulton
Dr Christian Maerz
Hannah Urquhart
Professor Thomas Wagner
A continental-weathering control on orbitally driven redox-nutrient cycling during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 22015
Charlotte Spencer-Jones
Professor Thomas Wagner
Paul Mann
Dr Rob Spencer
Bacteriohopanepolyols in tropical soils and sediments from the Congo River catchment area2015
Professor Thomas Wagner
Improved end-member characterization of modern organic matter pools in the Ohrid Basin (Albania, Macedonia) and evaluation of new palaeoenvironmental proxies2015
Dr Graham Purvis
Dr Elisa Lopez-Capel
Emeritus Professor Neil Gray
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Christian Maerz
et al.
Towards a mechanistic understanding of carbon stabilization in manganese oxides2015
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Helen Talbot
Microbial biomarkers support organic carbon transport from methane-rich Amazon wetlands to the shelf and deep sea fan during recent and glacial climate conditions2014
Dr Ryan Pereira
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Rob Spencer
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Mobilization of optically invisible dissolved organic matter in response to rainstorm events in a tropical forest headwater river2014
Dr Christian Maerz
Professor Simon Poulton
Professor Thomas Wagner
Phosphorus burial and diagenesis in the central Bering Sea (IODP Expedition 323, Site U1341): Perspectives on the marine P cycle2014
Ryan Pereira
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Dr Nathan Forsythe
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Seasonal patterns of rainfall and river isotopic chemistry in northern Amazonia (Guyana): From the headwater to the regional scale2014
Jasmine Black
Dr Geoffrey Abbott
Professor Thomas Wagner
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in soils along a rainforest-savannah boundary in Central Guyana, South America2014
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Luke Handley
Charlotte Spencer-Jones
Dr Rob Spencer
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Variability in aerobic methane oxidation over the past 1.2 Myrs recorded in microbial biomarker signatures from Congo fan sediments2014
Alison McAnena
Dr Helen Talbot
Professor Thomas Wagner
Atlantic cooling associated with a marine biotic crisis during the mid-Cretaceous period2013
Professor Thomas Wagner
Marine black shale deposition and Hadley Cell dynamics: A conceptual framework for the Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean2013
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Helen Talbot
Mechanistic controls on diverse fates of terrestrial organic components in the East China Sea2013
Dr Christian Maerz
Professor Simon Poulton
Professor Thomas Wagner
Climate-controlled variability of iron deposition in the Central Arctic Ocean (southern Mendeleev Ridge) over the last 130,000 years2012
Dr Isabella Bovolo
Ryan Pereira
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Chris Kilsby
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Fine-scale regional climate patterns in the Guianas, tropical South America, based on observations and reanalysis data2012
Professor Thomas Wagner
Characterizing the Depositional Settings for Sedimentary Organic Matter Distributions in the Lower Yangtze River-East China Sea Shelf System2011
Professor Martin Kennedy
Professor Thomas Wagner
Clay mineral continental amplifier for marine carbon sequestration in a greenhouse ocean2011
Dr Helen Talbot
Professor Thomas Wagner
Distribution of hopanoids along a land to sea transect: Implications for microbial ecology and the use of hopanoids in environmental studies2011
Professor Thomas Wagner
ITCZ controls on Late Cretaceous black shale sedimentation in the tropical Atlantic Ocean2011
Professor Thomas Wagner
Multiple sources and extensive degradation of terrestrial sedimentary organic matter across an energetic, wide continental shelf2011
Dr Helen Talbot
Professor Thomas Wagner
Occurrence and abundance of soil-specific bacterial membrane lipid markers in the Tet watershed (southern France): Soil-specific BHPs and branched GDGTs2011
Professor Thomas Wagner
Radiocarbon and 230Th data reveal rapid redistribution and temporal changes in sediment focussing at a North Atlantic drift2011
Dr Geoffrey Parkin
Professor Thomas Wagner
Simulating zonal scale shifts in the partitioning of surface and subsurface freshwater flow in response to increasing pCO22011
Professor Thomas Wagner
Sources and Distributions of Tetraether Lipids in Surface Sediments across a River-dominated Continental Margin2011
Dr Luke Handley
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Martin Cooke
Katie Anderson
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Bacteriohopanepolyols as tracers for continental and marine organic matter supply and phases of enhanced nitrogen cycling on the late Quaternary Congo deep sea fan2010
Dr Luke Handley
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Martin Cooke
Katie Anderson
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Bacteriohopanepolyols as tracers for continental and marine organic matter supply and phases of enhanced nitrogen cycling on the late Quaternary Congo deep sea fan2010
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Luke Handley
Professor Thomas Wagner
Biomarker evidence for intense aerobic methane oxidation during sapropel conditions2010
Dr Helen Talbot
Professor Thomas Wagner
Intense aerobic methane oxidation in the Yangtze Estuary: A record from 35-aminobacteriohopanepolyols in surface sediments2010
Dr Luke Handley
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Martin Cooke
Katie Anderson
Professor Thomas Wagner
et al.
Novel records of past methane emission events from the Congo and Amazon fans2010
Dr Christian Maerz
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Geochemical environment of the Coniacian-Santonian western tropical Atlantic at Demerara Rise2009
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Martin Jones
Greater average chain length of n-alkanes correlates with D-depletion and C-13-enrichment in evergreen angiosperms in comparison with other higher plant species2009
Professor Thomas Wagner
Organic-carbon-rich sediments through the Phanerozoic: Processes, progress, and perspectives2009
Professor Thomas Wagner
Phanerozoic organic-carbon-rich marine sediments: Overview and future research challenges2009
Dr Helen Talbot
Dr Martin Cooke
Dr Luke Handley
Professor Thomas Wagner
The biohopanoid soil proxy: Recent developments and future directions2009
Professor Thomas Wagner
Climate-Ocean coupling off North-West Africa during the Lower Albian: The Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b2008
Dr Britta Beckmann
Dr Christian Maerz
Professor Thomas Wagner
Coniacian-Santonian deep ocean anoxia/euxinia inferred from molecular and inorganic markers: Results from the Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207)2008
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Cyclic changes in Turonian to Coniacian planktic foraminiferal assemblages from the tropical Atlantic Ocean2008
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Evolution of tropical watersheds and continental hydrology during the Late Cretaceous greenhouse; impact on marine carbon burial and possible implications for the future2008
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Isotopic evidence for glaciation during the cretaceous supergreenhouse2008
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Elisa Lopez-Capel
Professor David Manning
Papers presented at the Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Users' Group (SIMSUG), 20th-22nd July 2007 - Foreword2008
Christopher Leach
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Martin Jones
Emeritus Professor Steve Juggins
Professor Tony Stevenson
et al.
Rapid determination of total organic carbon concentration in marine sediments using Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIRS)2008
Professor Thomas Wagner
Rapid warming and salinity changes of Cretaceous surface waters in the subtropical North Atlantic2008
Dr Christian Maerz
Professor Simon Poulton
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Redox sensitivity of P cycling during marine black shale formation: Dynamics of sulfidic and anoxic, non-sulfidic bottom waters2008
Dr Honglin Zhang
Professor Thomas Wagner
The dispersal of sedimentary terrestrial organic matter in the East China Sea (ECS) as revealed by biomarkers and hydro-chemical characteristics2008
Dr Martin Cooke
Dr Helen Talbot
Professor Thomas Wagner
Tracking soil organic carbon transport to continental margin sediments using soil-specific hopanoid biomarkers: A case study from the Congo fan (ODP site 1075)2008
Professor Thomas Wagner
Understanding ocean redox and formation of organic carbon rich sediments from the shelf to deep oceans and their significance for the deep biosphere2008
Dr Nikolai Pedenchuk
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Martin Jones
Comparison of delta C-13 and delta D values of n-alkanes from angiosperms and gymnosperms in Western Europe2007
Professor Thomas Wagner
Consequences of moderate ∼ 25,000 yr lasting emission of light CO2 into the mid-Cretaceous ocean2007
Professor Thomas Wagner
High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics2006
Professor Thomas Wagner
Insolation-control on the Late Cretaceous hydrological cycle and tropical African climate-global climate modelling linked to marine climate records2006
Professor Thomas Wagner
Introduction to "Causes and consequences of organic carbon burial through time"2006
Professor Thomas Wagner
Lateral transport controls distribution, quality, and burial of organic matter along continental slopes in high-productivity areas2006
Professor Thomas Wagner
Sediment colour analysis from digital images and correlation with sediment composition2006
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Linking Coniacian-Santonian (OAE3) black shale formation to African climate variability: a reference section from the eastern tropical Atlantic at orbital time scales (ODP Site 959, off Ivory Coast/Ghana)2005
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Steve Turgeon
Mechanisms of black shale deposition at the NW-African Shelf during the Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: implications for climate coupling and global organic carbon burial2005
Professor Thomas Wagner
Millennial Resolution Record of the Late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) in the Tarfaya Basin (Morocco)2005
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Orbital forcing of Cretaceous river discharge in tropical Africa and ocean response2005
Professor Thomas Wagner
Soil organic matter as an important contributor to late Quaternary sediments of the tropical West African continental margin2005
Professor Thomas Wagner
Carbon-isotope stratigraphy recorded by the Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event: correlation and implications based on tree key-localities2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Britta Beckmann
Euxinia and primary production in Upper Cretaceous eastern equatorial Atlantic surface waters fostered orbital-driven formation of marine black shales2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Late Quaternary Sedimentation and Early Diagenesis in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean : Magnetic and Geochemical Indices.2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Rapid analysis of 13C in plant-wax n-alkanes for reconstruction of terrestrial vegetation signals from aquatic sediment2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Surface sediment bulk geochemistry and grain-size composition related to oceanic circulation along the South American continental margin in the Southwest Atlantic2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Terrigenous signals in sediments of the low latitude Atlantic – implications to environmental variations during the late Quaternary: Part I: organic carbon2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Terrigenous signals in sediments of the low latitude Atlantic – implications to environmental variations during the late Quaternary: Part II: lithogenic matter.2004
Professor Thomas Wagner
Integrated depositional model for the Cenomanian-Turonian organic-rich strata in North Africa.2003
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Britta Beckmann
Millennial- to centennial-scale record of African climate variability and organic carbon accumulation in the Coniacian-Santonian eastern tropical Atlantic (Ocean Drilling Program Site 959, off Ivory Coast/Ghana)2003
Professor Thomas Wagner
Organic matter in river-influenced continental margin sediments: the land-ocean and climate linkage at the Late Quaternary Congo fan (ODP Site 1075)2003
Professor Thomas Wagner
Umweltkapriolen in der Treibhauswelt der Kreidezeit2003
Dr Britta Beckmann
Professor Thomas Wagner
Geochemical characterization of Cenomanian/Turonian black shales from the Tarfaya Basin (SW Morocco): relationships between paleoenvironmental conditions and early sulfurization of sedimentary organic matter2002
Professor Thomas Wagner
Late Cretaceous to early Quaternary organic sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic2002
Professor Thomas Wagner
Organic Sedimentation in the Equatorial Atlantic: Evolution from Cretaceous to early Quaternary depositional environments2002
Professor Thomas Wagner
Transgressive black shales associated with the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM): organic geochemical and micropaleontological evidence from the southern Tethyan margin (Egypt)2002
Professor Thomas Wagner
A Mid-Cretaceous thermal event along the Côte d`Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin?2001
Professor Thomas Wagner
Cretaceous opening history of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway: The view from the West African continental margin (ODP Leg 159)2001
Professor Thomas Wagner
Documentation of Late Quaternary Climate Changes in Central Africa by Variations of Terrigenous Input to the Niger Fan2001
Professor Thomas Wagner
Early diagenetic changes of sedimentary stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios2001
Professor Thomas Wagner
Late Quaternary changes in terrigenous organic matter supply on the Congo Deep Sea Fan (ODP Site 1075): Implications for African paleoclimate2001
Professor Thomas Wagner
Dr Britta Beckmann
Morocco basin’s sedimentary record may provide correlations for Cretaceous paleoceanographic events worldwide2001