Dr Serdar Abaci
| Indiana University’s Faculty-driven Inclusive Access E-text Program | 2020 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| University-wide e-text adoption and students’ use of, preferences for, and learning with e-textbooks | 2020 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Indiana University’s affordable e-text model and strategies to increase impact beyond savings | 2018 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Research and theory as necessary tools for organizational training and performance improvement practitioners | 2017 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Student engagement with e-texts: What the data tell us | 2017 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Effects of e-textbook instructor annotations on learner performance | 2016 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Learning technologies badges for faculty professional development | 2016 |
Dr Serdar Abaci
| Instructor engagement with e-texts | 2015 |