Professor Katy Jenkins
| Theories and practices of development | 2006 |
Professor Katy Jenkins
| Book Review: ‘Genders in Production: Making Workers in Mexico’s Global Factories’, Salzinger, L. | 2005 |
Professor Katy Jenkins
| Genders in production: making workers in Mexico's global factories | 2005 |
Professor Katy Jenkins
| No way out? Incorporating and restructuring the voluntary sector within spaces of neoliberalism | 2005 |
Professor Katy Jenkins
| No Way Out? Incorporating and Restructuring the Voluntary Sector within Spaces of Neoliberalism | 2005 |
Professor Katy Jenkins Dr Simon Peacock Dr Niraj Ahuja Dr Stuart Watson
| Pilot of a group psycho-education programme in bipolar disorder | 2005 |
Dr Maria Margallo-Lana Dr Brian Moore Dr Stephen Tyrer Dr Henrietta Dawson Professor Katy Jenkins et al. | The Prudhoe Cognitive Function Test, a scale to assess cognitive function in adults with Down's syndrome: Inter-rater and test-retest reliability | 2003 |