Dr Laura Woods
| An investigation of cancer survival inequalities associated with individual-level socio-economic status, area-level deprivation, and contextual effects, in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales | 2022 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Are socio-economic inequalities in breast cancer survival explained by peri-diagnostic factors? | 2021 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Can we screen for pancreatic cancer? Identifying a sub-population of patients at high risk of subsequent diagnosis using machine learning techniques applied to primary care data | 2021 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Describing socio-economic variation in life expectancy according to an individual's education, occupation and wage in England and Wales: An analysis of the ONS Longitudinal Study | 2021 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Assessment of the concordance between individual-level and area-level measures of socio-economic deprivation in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales | 2020 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Temporal and geographic changes in stage at diagnosis in England during 2008–2013: A population-based study of colorectal, lung and ovarian cancers | 2020 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Evaluation of a risk score to predict future Clostridium difficile disease using UK primary care and hospital data in Clinical Practice Research Datalink | 2019 |
Dr Laura Woods
| On the use of flexible excess hazard regression models for describing long-term breast cancer survival: A case-study using population-based cancer registry data | 2019 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Which indicators of early cancer diagnosis from population-based data sources are associated with short-term mortality and survival? | 2018 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Do pre-diagnosis primary care consultation patterns explain deprivation-specific differences in net survival among women with breast cancer? An examination of individually-linked data from the UK West Midlands cancer registry, national screening programme and Clinical Practice Research Datalink | 2017 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Estimation of net survival for cancer patients: Relative survival setting more robust to some assumption violations than cause-specific setting, a sensitivity analysis on empirical data | 2017 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Life tables for global surveillance of cancer survival (the CONCORD programme): Data sources and methods | 2017 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Are international differences in breast cancer survival between Australia and the UK present amongst both screen-detected women and non-screen-detected women? survival estimates for women diagnosed in West Midlands and New South Wales 1997-2006 | 2016 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Impact of deprivation on breast cancer survival among women eligible for mammographic screening in the West Midlands (UK) and New South Wales (Australia): Women diagnosed 1997-2006 | 2016 |
Dr Laura Woods
| No 'cure' within 12 years of diagnosis among breast cancer patients who are diagnosed via mammographic screening: Women diagnosed in theWest Midlands region of England 1989-2011 | 2016 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Population-level cure of colorectal cancer in Malta: An analysis of patients diagnosed between 1995 and 2004 | 2016 |
Dr Laura Woods
| What might explain deprivation-specific differences in the excess hazard of breast cancer death amongst screen-detected women? Analysis of patients diagnosed in the West Midlands region of England from 1989 to 2011 | 2016 |
Dr Laura Woods
| A novel ecological methodology for constructing ethnic-majority life tables in the absence of individual ethnicity information | 2015 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Cause-specific or relative survival setting to estimate population-based net survival from cancer? An empirical evaluation using women diagnosed with breast cancer in Geneva between 1981 and 1991 and followed for 20 years after diagnosis | 2015 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Ethnicity, deprivation and screening: Survival from breast cancer among screening-eligible women in the West Midlands diagnosed from 1989 to 2011 | 2015 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Multivariable flexible modelling for estimating complete, smoothed life tables for sub-national populations | 2015 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Screening mammography uptake within Australia and Scotland in rural and urban populations | 2015 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Cancer incidence, survival and mortality: Explaining the concepts | 2014 |
Dr Laura Woods
| Control of data quality for population-based cancer survival analysis | 2014 |